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14th July 2018, 18:36
It's one of the 4 clues with a string of letters to be removed. For 8D those letters can be formed into the heroine.
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14th July 2018, 18:53
Can someone help me with 9a?

Scottish lawyer's just introducing name to everyone soon (9)

Soon could be early but noting occurs.

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14th July 2018, 19:06
Soon is early, Sunray. Everyone is all. I just trawled through maybe a dozen entries in TCD.
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14th July 2018, 19:10
Thanks meursault.
I was trying to put N in all.
Anagrammed the letters.
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14th July 2018, 19:46
I am a bit surprised thar we were not required to find the killer (top row). For awhile I wondered if the connection to 8D was its mythological homophone

What is the import of “in the Afternoon” in the title?
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14th July 2018, 20:26
'Death in the Afternoon' is a book about bullfighting. Though if the arena is only the same size as the bull, then I'd say that's not a fair fight (if there ever is a fair bullfight), since in this case the bull appears to have no space whatsoever to move. Like shooting fish in a barrel you might say...
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14th July 2018, 20:45
By the way, here's Gore Vidal's take on Hemingway : "Hemingway was very good at graphic descriptions of violence and hunting. He was very good at showing how things happen: how you load your gun, how you sight it against the arc the bird is taking, how you fire. He was really so good at that. And there are people, the same people who read Popular Mechanics, who love that kind of writing."
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14th July 2018, 20:45
Definitely a gentler Listener - to make up for all the teasers lately I guess. At least it gave me a free Saturday for DIY (yawn).
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14th July 2018, 20:47
He wasn't that good Meursault was he - wasn't EH shot inadvertently by his own dog as he climbed a stile or is that an urban myth?
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14th July 2018, 20:57
Here is one explanation for his death. No one will ever know.

But the true cause of his death is in fact unknown, whether it was an accident, a suicide, or a prevalent genetic killer that caused toxic levels of iron to flood the body, ultimately inciting depression and agony. Experts still debate the reasons behind Hemingway's pulling of the trigger.

A misdiagnosed disorder in his early 50s caused doctors to overlook hemochromatosis, the iron-overloading disorder that causes internal damage of joints and organs, cirrhosis of the liver, heart disease, and depression.
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