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14th July 2018, 09:10
Well, I have a full grid, the four connected individuals, the one in the grid, the phrase, the arena and the 8 thematic cells. For the 12 misprints, I have nothing but gobbeldy-gook, but I can't be bothered sorting them out. I thought that this was a very good Listener, with some very devious clues.
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14th July 2018, 10:56
s way,
f eigned,
bra i n,
gl o sses,
n ot,
p a rson,
m alt,
ha w ks,
w ags,
c e rtain,
scar s
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14th July 2018, 11:03
Sorry, for D read "worked".
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14th July 2018, 11:58
Thanks Turast, I had 9 out of 11 and one (the first), missing - now makes perfect sense and confirms my phrase starts in the right place.
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14th July 2018, 15:50
I think I'm finished, but I'm not quite sure. Is there a distinct 'arena' which is separate from its 8 letter occupant?
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14th July 2018, 15:59
Hi Midgers. You mean as in a 9-letter word beginning with L, the construction of 2 of the 4 individuals ? I wondered about that but my wordsearch is usually only cursory, on account of boredom, and I didn't see anything. Since the preamble indicates that the 6,2,7 ends at the arena, I suppose that the boundary of the arena is the boundary of the erased M.
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14th July 2018, 16:42
Yes, that's what I meant - although it could equally be the location of the said construction, given that arena can just mean a 'place of action' I suspect you're right although, if so, I can't help feeling slightly let down after the masterly elegance of some recent puzzles. Why, I wonder, does the preamble bother with an arena at all, rather than simply saying "leading to something which must be thematically erased"? Or at least "THE eight cells in the arena".
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14th July 2018, 17:39
I have everything but the path. Any nudges? Thanks
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14th July 2018, 17:51
Hi Woodlouse, starting from the second cell of 8D. The 6 of the 6,2,7 is one of the things our heroine gave to her boyfriend in order for him to be able to kill the M and get back out.
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14th July 2018, 18:28
I can't see the connection of 8D with the theme. Anyone explain?
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