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12th April 2018, 08:19
Thank you Smartie. I had 31D but couldn't explain it. With 42a I was stuck with the idea of an inept runner having to be sapless! All done now.
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13th April 2018, 12:04
What are all the long hyphens for in eight of the clues? eg 19a,20a
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13th April 2018, 12:39
Getbacktome - I think they are just to improve the surface reading of the clues. There aren't any hidden meanings in them.
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13th April 2018, 14:05
Thanks Smartie
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13th April 2018, 14:59
Because the long dash is often used to indicate a missing word, it would perhaps have been better to use a colon instead. It may be a “house style” thing, though. So far this year, there are several clues with dashes, but none using colons.
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