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8th April 2018, 09:42
I too fell into the early RAF trap, and a quotation in German, gimme a break! However knowing it's in German (thank you whoever said that) and the only one of the four substituted and jumbled clues I have, gave me a lightbulb moment. It should now go from pulling teeth to relatively good progress I hope.
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8th April 2018, 10:25
Foinaven, for 15a the answer is all the letters apart from the first of a word meaning 'to play fruitily' (corected from fruitfly). It's usually an adjective but can be a verb.

I'm a bit unsure of 34d. I assume 'endless play' is TO(y). I suppose LIE is 'say with the aim of creating' but it's a bit weak. In general breaking a word or phrase down into its grammatical components strikes me as apoor cluing strategy.
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8th April 2018, 10:38
Re 34Dit is cHeating not creating which firms up LIE
I can't parse 43A. Any hints anyone?
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8th April 2018, 10:39
Dryden, surely you need to correct the second letter of 'creating' to get the correct definition of lie?

Foinaven, I think 26d is fine with the correct anagram of compact. Or do you not like 'to the old' to indicate an ancient usage?
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8th April 2018, 10:41
Essira, 43a is not 'schmo', in case you're wondering. It's a 7 letter word. The correction is the first letter of the last word of the clue
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8th April 2018, 11:15
Thanks keepatit. I had not looked at it as one of the 4, not all of which I had found, so I should not be so blinkered!
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8th April 2018, 11:21
I now see that I had mis-solved the preliminary clue which you need to
'treat' to produce the grid entry. I thought it was COMPACTED. Now it makes sense. Thank you for clarifying this. I did have to stretch the definition a bit to make it fit the wordplay. No, I knew it had to be an archaic usage.
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8th April 2018, 11:46
Thanks Foinaven found the explanation now - a somewhat more subtle pair of references than the four jumblies which I thought were very neat constructions.
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8th April 2018, 12:34
Yes, you're right, keepatit. I had the H but forgot to underline the misprinted letter in my notes.
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8th April 2018, 13:33
I've got everything sorted out and the grid filled apart from 14a. With E-O-IN as a starting point you'd think it would be obvious, but it isn't to me. Have I entered something else incorrectly?
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