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9th April 2018, 18:31
Re message 50 by dryden, I suppose if time slows down it feels as though you have more time.

A clever puzzle in many ways and original but I thing the quotation in German just added an unnecessary complication and a distraction. I think we could have been pointed towards the man and his theories in a better way.
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10th April 2018, 00:38
Hi - Not for the first time returning from a trip I am asking a favour....Just back from a week in Rome and tried everything to get a copy of Saturday Times without success....If anybody can forward a copy of the crossword I would be very
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10th April 2018, 08:36
Crates - duly despatched! Enjoy!
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10th April 2018, 08:54
Thanks Smartie - To the rescue again...Must get more organised...
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10th April 2018, 09:39
E=MCC is just not cricket
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10th April 2018, 17:29
Finished the crossword after a lot of difficulty, but I cannot see how the answers to 15a and 18a are derived from the word play. In 15a all I can see is annato, and in 18a all I can assume is that the synonym for board has some relevance. Has anyone any nudges?
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10th April 2018, 18:05
Stick w in front of the answer to 15, And check Chambers.

Irish Tv surrounding synonym for tip, cut short.
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10th April 2018, 18:50
Thank you Gem94. I can see the derivations now, although I think that of 15a is pretty obscure.
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11th April 2018, 18:29
I am in awe of those contributers who were able to unravel this listener so quickly. I stood no chance at all until I saw the hints about the comment. German! No way! But with your help (thank you!) I have got most of the answers except for 31D and 42A. Any help will be much appreciated.
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11th April 2018, 19:03
Catkin - 31d changed letter (i) is in first word. Think of colour of ebony and replace one end of the word conversation (c) with the other (n) in that word. 42a is thematic, answer is 9 letters. Definition is first word. Runner think of snow and letter change is in penultimate word. Back means reverse the next two elements - changed word for marke"?" and short form for line. Short form for is finishes it off. Hope this helps!
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