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8th April 2018, 13:48
This is one of the very few(!!!) I can help with. chamber = confine. Take out Norway(N) and move Spain (E) to the front.
I am still unable to find the quote. Anyone tell me where it is?
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8th April 2018, 13:48
It’s altered but you have mistakes

Your e and I are correct

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8th April 2018, 13:48
Saoralba, chamber is confine, removing the first n and placing the e at the front (fore).
Can anyone explain the wordplay for 29 and where the n goes?
A very tough puzzle, but got there in the end.
Did anyone notice that the setter missed a trick with 23? Using a instead of e would be thematic.
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8th April 2018, 14:03
Saoralba, I know zilch about cricket but I believe there is a Shane Warne.
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8th April 2018, 14:42
Thanks for the help with 14a. (Not sure if djahwfc was replying to me, though!) Interesting that Chambers Word Wizard online doesn't have that name, though the print edition has had it for some time. I just couldn't 'see' CONFINE.

As for the Shane clue, I'd got that early on, although 'ovals' seemed borderline unfair. How many of them are there? (Apologies if it's obvious, but I'm a cricketophobe.)
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8th April 2018, 14:54
saoralba I had worked out the answer but could not work out why. I am a cricket fanatic and spend 2-3 days a week all summer scoring cricket matches. But I still think a rubbish clue!
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8th April 2018, 15:06
There are several Ovals, with varying degrees of fame, but particlarly in London, Adelaide and Barbados.
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8th April 2018, 16:03
Sorry, saoralba, my mistake; my explanation was intended for xij.
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8th April 2018, 16:52
I'm stuck on 25a and 8d, a nudge for either would be appreciated, thanks.
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8th April 2018, 17:09
25a is to do with grooves

Ends in a 3 letter abbreviation for a state in US

8d sounds like a thing you might do on a river in Canada but is to with elections.

First three letters something you throw on a fire

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