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7th April 2018, 18:27
There are 2 types of thematic adjustment.

One involves subtraction the other addition.

4 of each and same subtraction and addition each time.
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7th April 2018, 18:30
6ac is one of the eight answers that suffer thematic effects before entry. You should notice something unusual about the answer, which may help with determining the entry (not a real word).
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7th April 2018, 22:05
I fear that comment 1 might be misleading some people. The comment is in German and begins with the German word for 'refined' or 'subtle' (10 letters). I fall back on an interview of Stephen Fry which I watched again only recently, "If God is so guiltless, why does he allow a world where children die of cancer and where parasite worms eat people's eyes from the inside out ?" I'm sorry, but if he exists, he is an absolute menace.
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7th April 2018, 22:10


8th April 2018, 04:52
Indeed, but of course there are scientists who have a religious faith. I noticed the title can be thematically converted to ATHEISE (probably unintentional). As for the triples and singles, I have no idea what the thematic justification is but can still complete the puzzle - perhaps a weakness. At 40a I believe I know the intended answer but it isn't clear what TAM has to do with the wordplay - any thoughts?
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8th April 2018, 05:49
MAT not TAM (TWISTED applies to the whole wordplay)
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8th April 2018, 07:03
Hi All, I have a full grid bar 14a which is baffling me - any tips much appreciated. I fully understand the 4 jumbles, but the 2 triples, wrt their relevance, also escapes me.
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8th April 2018, 07:05
Just found 14a - all done now - what a toughie!!
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8th April 2018, 09:04
I thought 14a was a tad unfair with "shunning Norway" considering that only one of two characters is shunned.

Got lucky with a very early identification of the quotation which helped no end. Like others I rumbled the 4 jumblies but am baffled with the two sets of 4 thematic effects despite reading up much on the originator's work. Assume one set is related to time but not sure of the other though there is someone with the same letter as their surname initial who could be in the frame. Hopefully someone rather better grounded in the subject matter can explain or at least point in the right direction.
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8th April 2018, 09:27
As you approach the speed of light, two things happen ... (which is probably an understatement)

I am still struggling with the wordplay for 15a and 34d.

26d seems weak to me.
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