After spending some hours on this and, with the help of everyone on this thread, I am still stuck on several clues and am about to give up. I have 21 of the 29 letters of the instruction, I have the three-word description (I think!) and the theme plus almost all of the answers to the across clues but I am stumped on some of the down clues which I'm annoyed about. Any help with the following will be gratefully received.
27d: Privileged inmate out of practice (6). I reckon the 1st letter is N,S or T.
26d: Aromatic medicine ground following game (6). I have N, S or T for the 1st letter.
32d: King of Israel in a dwelling without international hempen matting (4). I have I, M or O for the 1st letter (maybe A, too...)
The wordplay either omits a letter of the answer or leads to the answer with an extra letter not entered in the grid.
Thanks in anticipation!