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31st March 2018, 16:17
I've finally got 30d and 25 of the 29 letters. What I have seems also to be pretty archaic stuff - would that be correct?
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31st March 2018, 16:20
The final step and the description is unambiguous BUT I clearly have a problem with 41a, where I thought the letter was D, but it has to be T. I will need to revisit this.
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31st March 2018, 16:24
41a is a normal clue.

Planks, some of the instruction is what you might call archaic, but the words are heraldic rather than archaic.
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31st March 2018, 16:25
Foinaven, I should have added that T comes from the previous clue.
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31st March 2018, 16:48
Yes, I have sorted this out now. I was not happy with the answer to 41, but it did satisfy the wordplay beautifully! And it fitted into the grid perfectly, but then the instruction did not work.
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31st March 2018, 17:00
Thanks Dryden, I've worked out the endgame by using what I can understand from the 29 letters, the patterns of letters in the grid and the title. I shall have to wait for the solution to unravel the rest of the extra letters.
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31st March 2018, 17:14
Actually, I've just got it! My thanks to those who have pointed me in the right direction.
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31st March 2018, 17:32
Thanks for helpful discussions as always. Making progress. Stuck on the significance of the title and the third word in description. Any hints please?
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31st March 2018, 17:37
Quite clever of the setter to segment the grid in this way, and consequently some nice words needed to be used on the right of the puzzle. I assume that the title is simply to indicate what the reverse of the pattern would be. Though I've finished, I can't see how I should get O out of 19A. I have JUST about RI, which to my mind needs an extra S to make law students plural. And the only way I can make 10D work is if I use SUS for awareness. But I don't think that is accurate at all...
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31st March 2018, 17:40
fgsltw, if you google the 1st word of description, accompanied by the 3 colours, you'll find a site which gives all the possibilities. One 6-letter nation stands out. As I said just a moment ago, I think the title is just what it would have been had the grid been the other way round.
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