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31st March 2018, 17:46
Hi, Meursault,

Try JUST SO for exactly right in 19ac. For SUS in 10dn, see under “suss” in Chambers.
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31st March 2018, 17:54
Hi Wintonian, thanks for putting my mind at rest. Of course JUST SO is the correct interpretation. As for SUS, I looked in TCD at the first entry, SUS or SUSS, but not at the SUSS entry (which is a poor error by me really. since I was aware of that definition...)
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31st March 2018, 18:50
I have completed my solution, but can't see an R needed for the instruction - somewhere between 28 and 36 across.
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31st March 2018, 18:53
Hi Phantom, it's in 26A. Wordplay is URU and N, S. Answer U-turns.
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31st March 2018, 20:22
That should read UTU followed by N and S.
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1st April 2018, 06:58
Good Morning all, I have just managed to complete this one - another brilliant puzzle for this year. I struggled with 20a mainly because it isn't in my copy of chambers, nor in chambers word wizard, but google helped. As for 30d, I cannot parse it at all, but hopefully is has a redundant E in it somewhere? The 29 letters proved to be as challenging as the clues, as the message seemed to be gobbledegook for a very long time.
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1st April 2018, 08:10
Good morning, Gitto. I think Wintonian's comment 4 explains 30D. It works as in Thou art, thou thinkest etc.
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1st April 2018, 11:41
Yes, I forgot Wintonian's earlier tip. Still seems a little contrived, both in wordplay and answer, but nothing specifically wrong with it. Fortunately, once you know what is going on, the entry is solved without the clue (at least that is how I did it).
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1st April 2018, 12:50
I had solved 26 as RUT (settlement) reversed, then NS (poles), leaving a spare U for the message, having overlooked that the U came from D(u)O in 20ac.
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1st April 2018, 13:04
Am still stuck on pattern. Have ambiguous pairs of letters in 4 across clues. Help- appreciated.
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