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31st March 2018, 14:18
Cold solved loads of across clues but can't work out the pattern of jumbles or the instruction. ANy help gratefully received.
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31st March 2018, 14:57
Hi, I've solved all clues other than 20a and 30d, but I have only found 23 of the missing/extra letters, and those that I have identified don't seem to make any sense at all. Now going to carefully check all answers again!!
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31st March 2018, 15:16
I too have no clue as to the pattern I'm meant to deduce though I think some colouring in may be involved? I'm completely stuck on 29a and 30d - any hint would be appreciated, thanks.
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31st March 2018, 15:23
Hi, gitto,

The wordplay in 20ac gives the answer (which is a mathematical term for a set that contains a complete set of values) with an extra U. Standard abbreviation for Colorado, three-letter word meaning a couple or pair, and a four-letter word meaning great.

The wordplay in 30dn gives an extra E. The definition is corruption, and thou shouldst think in the archaic second person singular.
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31st March 2018, 15:27
Hi, planks,

The wordplay in 29dn gives an extra V. The answer is a slang word for the head.
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31st March 2018, 15:29
Hi planks, 29a is a 5 letter term for lace followed by a 4 letter term for source
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31st March 2018, 15:31
29a: The definition comes last. Wordplay is lace(5) + source(4).

30d: The def is CORRUPTION (but I think that is flawed) I do not think the answer is equivalent to any of the definitions of CORRUPTION but they are similar.
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31st March 2018, 15:33
Thanks all, I'm sure I'll get it now.
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31st March 2018, 15:42
Hi Wintonian, wrt 20a, the letters I have (in no particular order) are ANDIOO, is that right?
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31st March 2018, 15:57
Gitto, yes, those are the six checked letters in 20ac.
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