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19th February 2018, 14:41
1st 2 words are "title from" then the rest is split...6, 2, 8, 2,4,7

do you still need some authors?

The unchecked in the perimeter make BLOCK RECIPE DIFFERS
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19th February 2018, 14:55
Thank you so much, xwordfan, that's a huge help. I now see the incredibly stupid mistake I made with one of the extra letters ! I think I have all the authors now, thank you, though need to double check. Got to go out now, will have another look this evening.
Thanks again.
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19th February 2018, 15:03
I am still wrestling with 17A, 26a, 32a, 25d, 28d, 32d

In the shaded cells I have 1,2,2,1,1,1 letters.
Those letters do not give me an anagram.

Is the fourth letter of 22d a K?

I have the first author. What length for second ?

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19th February 2018, 15:46
I now have 22d and 32a.
Also I have 9 letters in shaded cells.
Not sure what to do with them.

Still working on others.
Any help on them appreciated.

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19th February 2018, 15:47
17a usual 3 letter word for favourite... can't quite see the parse but extra is O ... leaving east cast ...E must come out of some word to give the answer?
26a again can't parse but it's a tent T is extra
32a one who provides is defn ...extra is S from sentry need a 4 letter word for entry/method of entry into house with N inside (either side of No teN)
25d strong drink is the defn think Obama with an extra R ... N is extra
28d former king is defn ...E in hopes is extra ...then it's an anagram of what's left with Y (terminal letter of regency)
32d trace is the defn ...T in stay is extra...say = usual 2 letter abbrev

in the shaded cells reading NW to SE you should have 1,2,2,1,1,2

the last letter of 28a( in shaded box) is the last letter of a novel by author 1 (his most famous)

The other letters in the shaded cells are also cryptic indications of a book title by the other 5 authors ... in most cases their most famous book....

2nd author 6 letters
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19th February 2018, 16:01
Thanks xwordfan.

I now have 3 authors. 1,3 and 4,
Is 5 connected with 007?
Is the first letter of 18a O?

hint on the last author, such as the first letter will help.

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19th February 2018, 17:03
1st letter of last author is C (initials J F)

Is 5 connected with 007? YES and one of his books cryptically gives ..

18a O ...yes

...some very dodgy clues in there for me...but got there in the end even though i couldn't parse them all!
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19th February 2018, 17:33
Thanks xwordfan.

I think I have all the authors.
Assuming 4th has the first name Mary.

I looked at all the books of 4 and 5. Did not find any that would give me two letters each. So I do not have OH and ON.

Bradford's Lists did not have JF's name.

I agree with you. If the clues take hours to break than the setter is trying too hard to be clever.
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19th February 2018, 17:39
Mary has a co-author Lucas?

One book named The Far ??? has last two letters that match one of the ON/OH.

Isthat it?
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19th February 2018, 17:42
I think ON belongs to Ian. The two letter second word of the title has to be anagrammed.

So what is Mary's book?
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