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18th February 2018, 17:05
Ooooh! Might you give me a hint for 27D, xwordfan ? Ionacarr, I have an "L" as the third letter in 1D. Has anyone done 2D or 9A ? If so hints much appreciated. At present my progress could be described as "dead-slow and stop".
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18th February 2018, 17:07
Thanks malone.
I have L for second letter in11a so holdup's L works.
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18th February 2018, 17:08

I just gave hint to 27d.
9a Revulsion is the def.

Exercise is USE in word play.
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manic mary

18th February 2018, 17:12
Thanks Sunray, sadly 27d is one of the two I have managed. Just having great trouble even getting the clues. Think I have 15a but can't parse it at all.
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18th February 2018, 17:14
Thank you very much, Sunray. And thanks xwordfan for the Vinegar.
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18th February 2018, 17:18
for 9a, think of a word ending in USE+A that means revulsion. The extra letter will be self evident. It comes out of a 5 letter word.

5d is anagram. A 7 letter word meaning Fertility. Regularly funds is FNS.

6d is anagram. Means Vessel.

31a is anagram after taking out two letters from a 7 letter word.
Crystal is the def.

Hope this gets you started.
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18th February 2018, 17:21
Thanks again, sunray. At last I think I might make some progress !
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18th February 2018, 17:25
34a defn is standing stone ...O in hero is extra
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18th February 2018, 17:25
You are welcome, samovar.

I have only a handful so far.

It takes a lot of staring and examining each word to find the extra letter.
Some answers like 6d and 31a are new words to me.
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18th February 2018, 17:29
I'm not sure about the extra letter in 4D, although I have the answer. Is it the "A" from awarded ?
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