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18th February 2018, 19:43
Thanks xwordfan.
I suspected regnant is the answer but have not parsed it yet.
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18th February 2018, 19:47
I forgot to say that if the 3rd letter of 12A was "n", that would fit with a possible 2D and 23A.
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18th February 2018, 19:53
The third letter of 12a is N.

The last word of 12a fits nicely with 3d. Steep being the def.

The first author is now decipherable. last two letters being same.
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18th February 2018, 20:14
Thanks so much, sunray and xwordfan. I had Regnant and Bathos, it was the Dunt I had wrong. And I'm glad I don't have to change the author I had. I think it's time for a very strong drink!
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18th February 2018, 20:25
samovar, you have earned the drink.
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18th February 2018, 20:44
I think you have earned one much more, Sunray ! And I may need more help tomorrow !
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18th February 2018, 21:19
I rarely attempt puzzles by this setter as he is one of the hardest. As so many are stuggling, I am glad I didnt start it
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18th February 2018, 21:38
Hi samovar,
I now have 30a and 33a. But not 28d.

22d is difficult because I do not know what the def. is.

Obama's namesake (after removing the first letter ) is a strong drink. It may not be the answer though.

Going out now.

I will try a few more later on otherwise see you late tomorrow.

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18th February 2018, 21:47
Samovar -

22D involves taking the 'unveiled plans' (3 letters) and using them to 'pen' (O is the extra letter) a poison. When you do so you will get a synonym for Spartan - and a revelation about what's going on in the 'cells available'.

21D is another of the same kind - and C is the extra letter. Remember it's the 'overthrow' of moderation you need, not just moderation.

I've solved all the clues apart from 7dn and 24ac. Hints welcome!

I'm pretty sure the setter has slipped up with the clue to 10dn, which needs to generate an extra C but then leaves the wrong letters for the entry.

But the extra letters spell an instruction that I can see no way of using. Giving up for now.
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18th February 2018, 23:04
Thank you sunray and Ionacarr. It's late now, so will look again tomorrow.
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