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manic mary

18th February 2018, 14:01
Help! I am totally flummoxed by this one, have spent hours and have only managed 2 answers and the preamble is reducing me to tears, I can make no sense of the blanks/shading/numbers or the statement "Numbers in brackets give cells available" major push in some direction needed. Thank you.
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18th February 2018, 14:34
Sorry I can't help you, Manic Mary, as I too have spent hours and only got 3 Answers!
Can anyone give a hint for:
1D Go faster driven by earlier stoppage.(6)
20D Press after flaw to silky fabric. (7)
There is an extra letter in each clue.

Any help will be most gratefully received !
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18th February 2018, 16:36
I have solved 6. But not 1d or 20d.
Finding extra letters is tough.

10d has 5 cells in the grid but the clue says 6.
Am I missing something?
I have two of the 5 letters but no answer to plankton yet.
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18th February 2018, 16:38
perhaps one letter goes in the space at the bottom?

only just starting out so nothing got so far!!!
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18th February 2018, 16:40
great made a start now ... have 27d!
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manic mary

18th February 2018, 16:42
Am still going cross-eyed at this devilish xword but am cheered that I am not to only one having problems, not that I am any further forward and my two answers aren't the ones requesting help....sorry!
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18th February 2018, 16:55
Is it possible that 1d is OUTRUN? The problem is that OUT isn't defined in BRB as 'stoppage', but perhaps Collins has it as a colloquial term? Then RUN could be either 'drive' or 'driven', but my hunch would be that N is the extra letter.

I can't see what we are meant to be doing at all!
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18th February 2018, 17:02
samovar, 20d.
L is extra. 4 letter word for faw plus three letter for press.
Gives you fabric.
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18th February 2018, 17:02
I'm nowhere near finished with this one, but I think 1 D is Holdup, stoppage. The Hup = go faster and it's Riven by (dropping the D) Old, earlier.
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18th February 2018, 17:04
The best thing to do is to solve the clue on their own and input it. The cross letters at times help get other answers.

27 d for example is hidden answer for vinegar.
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