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10th February 2018, 17:07
Thanks malone.
I have removed some words but not sure what the connection is. Message will help.

44a seems to be E. African ending in I. Not sure of parsing.
Got 41d now.

What is the extra letter in 26a and is 10d thematic?

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10th February 2018, 17:09
Thanks orson.

Rifle is a three letter word in three letter word for Uniform for poets.
It would be 4 letter for us prosaic folks.

Starts and ends with the same letter.
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10th February 2018, 17:13
My 10 D isn't thematic.
Look at the last word in 26 A for the extra letter.

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10th February 2018, 17:15
OOps. My parsing for 1d may be wrong.

But I have a word with what a King would do when dressing.
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10th February 2018, 17:43
Thanks malone.
Is 4th letter of 10d a D?

I did figure out the quote and hence what has to be removed.

About 5 left.
A hint on 24d would help.

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10th February 2018, 18:17
24 The definition is the last two words in the clue (a single letter is removed from there, but you'll know that from the quote).

No, the fourth letter of 10 D isn't D.
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10th February 2018, 19:46
Hi everyone. I have got stuck in the bottom right hand corner and one other I can’t see.
Please help:
46a: (w)arm titters perturbed captain of cavalry (I have ??T?ER
44a: East African dough used in Mexican banking institute (n removed) I have ??S?I
42d: Ed’s clown to check pay out (Y removed) - I can’t see from previous posts, sorry...
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10th February 2018, 19:51
46 Anagram ('perturbed') that'll lead to a captain of cavalry. A thematic entry.
44. Straight clue - there's a big hint earlier in the thread. The definition is East African...

42. Hard to give a hint... I'll keep thinking.
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10th February 2018, 20:20
Thanks Malone. I saw 46 immediately. Looking for the others now.
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10th February 2018, 21:01
Last one which I can’t get my head round.
18d. Discarded gospels (English version) in English cathedral. Am I being extremely dense? I have ?ely
Put me out of my misery...
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