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10th February 2018, 15:07
Could someone parse 34a please?

Grating hog's-back soldiers couldn't finally digest. (G is extra) I can see the men (soldiers) + the T but not how the rest comes into it?
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10th February 2018, 15:10
Typical ... saw it as soon as i submitted!
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10th February 2018, 15:11
The G being removed from the start of 'Grating' gives the first two letters in the unamended answer. The next bit is the 'hog's-back' - you've got the rest.
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10th February 2018, 15:13
Thanks xwordfan. Got both now.
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10th February 2018, 16:00
Help with some down ones.
Extra letter is each.

1. Dress formally in poet's uniform carrying rifle (at least 6)

9. Having Ono end because of broken French note (at least 8)

42. Ed's clown's to check pay out(4)


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10th February 2018, 16:03
42 Thematic, the answer itself is an odd word!

1. My answer fits 'dress formally', my parsing might be dodgy.
9. The firist 'o' in Ono is removed...leaving the first three words as the definition.
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10th February 2018, 16:11
42. Ed refers to Ed Spenser , Y is extra
1. uniform isn't the one you wear but the other meaning (which you the need the poet's abbrev of)
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10th February 2018, 16:38
Thanks malone and xwordfan.

I got 1d, I think.

I do not know how 9d parses, But it is a Nissan car with last letter changed. Or a big number.

I got 42d. Never heard of the word, But it is easy to get once you know Y is extra. Though not sure which 4 letters to remove.
I had PB?? in 42d.
My 44a was Z??BI. I have to find another currency I guess.

What are the word lengths in the message? I see it starts with 3. I have a five letter word at 36a.

Also is 41d a Scottish word? (Bruise Scot's)

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10th February 2018, 16:45
Sunray, dough is a Mexican dough, not money, in 44a. The first two words are the defn. I'm stuck on 1d.
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10th February 2018, 16:47
If you're getting on fine with removing things, do you want the lengths of all the words in the message?

44 Isn't a currency.

41 Isn't Scottish. The first letter in the third word of the clue is superfluous.
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