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21st January 2018, 10:40
... and I was obsessed with eepees for a while!
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21st January 2018, 12:26
I had too many Is and not enough Os after putting an A in 24 rather than 22. Sorted eventually but had to sleep on it.
Agree another very good puzzle. We seem to be looking across the Atlantic often this year. I wonder if it has anything to do with Brexit?
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21st January 2018, 13:18
'Snap' smithsax - and once inserted just moved onto the next adjustment - so bypassed 22. Luckily saw the phrase so was easily amended. Enjoyable puzzle - has been good start to the year...
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21st January 2018, 15:56
As some earlier comments have indicated, it's another good puzzle to begin the year. I only picked it up today and have had an entertaining solve. I don't understand the use of 'cycle' in 33. My answer to the clue involves a villain from a children's book, not a Wagner opera.

For anyone still wondering about the two-word theme, that is simply the source of the text.

As for the phrase, I have NUTECGOKIQSTOSN, but I'm none the wiser.
Have I got the correct letters ?
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21st January 2018, 16:06
I can't yet see the 3rd and 4th letters but I have a different letter in the 10th position, otherwise all the same as you. Can't see the full phrase yet either.
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21st January 2018, 16:15
Thanks very much, Simon. I'd written down the letter from the neighbouring cell by mistake. The Q should be S.

Without the distraction of the Q, the phrase was easier to solve. It's what the theme is about. And I can confirm that the other letters I gave are all correct.
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21st January 2018, 16:15
Hi Meursault

Your Q is wrong.

You’re missing a 3rd s.

5-2-4-4 is how the phrase breaks down.

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21st January 2018, 16:18
Re 33 I think the setter was just referring to the fact there is a Lord of the Rings series.
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21st January 2018, 16:19
All the changed letters are in individual words so must be in unchecked squares so q is wrong. Think about holding your position.
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21st January 2018, 16:23
And thanks DJA and Smithsax.
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