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20th January 2018, 15:46
Not as hard as some Lavatches. I can find 14 of the 15 changes to make the thematic phrase, but I can't locate the 5th letter of the first word. Even having 14 of the "wrong" letters towards the four-word idiomatic phrase doesn't help. Any ideas, anyone?
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20th January 2018, 15:58
18a American spelling of Oenology is enology.

Phrase is

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20th January 2018, 16:13
For 18a I have "ecology".
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20th January 2018, 16:18
Yes so do i but was talking about the change required as per preamble.

Or am I wrong?
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20th January 2018, 16:28
Apologies DJAWHUFC. You are much further on than I am; I hadn't got to the point at which I was able to consider the changes. I shouldn't have jumped in when I did. I will revert to my perpetual silence.
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20th January 2018, 16:35
No apology needed. I’m always making mistakes.

We are a friendly lot here. I thought I may have made an error.

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20th January 2018, 16:53
Dear "friendly lot", I have more or less filled the grid, have the text, can guess the two-word theme but need help to get over the finishing line.
still stuck on 33a, 34d and 41a
Am I right to assume all changed letters in the grid occur in unches?
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20th January 2018, 16:58
Yes all are in unches.

33a lEads of next three words in an abbreviation for numbers in reverse give fictional character

34d a Good cut.... garment is tog

41a sAint.... Saint is s in wordplay- 4 letter word for headdress beginning with K and ie for that is- Scots word for squint
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20th January 2018, 17:36
Thanks, got the phrase now too but still not sure of the 9th and 15th letter to change.
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20th January 2018, 17:58
9th is in row 8
15th last row
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