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20th January 2018, 18:31
Thanks again. I'm just a bit concerned that my last line letter change gives an H when I still need to find and O and N for my phrase.
11 of 62  -   Report This Post


20th January 2018, 18:38
Oops! Silly me! Got it now. That's it for this week.
12 of 62  -   Report This Post


20th January 2018, 20:57
Nearly there but can't make sense of 25d.....
13 of 62  -   Report This Post


20th January 2018, 21:33
25d - change lighter to fighter. GIs carrying soil reversed. A growth of fibrous tissue.
14 of 62  -   Report This Post


20th January 2018, 21:41
Excellent - many thanks! But why is 38a what I think it is....?
15 of 62  -   Report This Post


20th January 2018, 22:07
Change caver to cover. Roughly = c as in circa. Surrounded by e = echo and sane = sound both reversed.
16 of 62  -   Report This Post


20th January 2018, 22:21
Oh! I see......
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21st January 2018, 09:54
Finally just finished! A superb crossword with some very difficult clues, particularly (for me) 1A, as I still don't get it. As for the end game, I had too many E's and not enough T's which produced a lot of head scratching, but I finally saw my mistakes. Brilliant!!
18 of 62  -   Report This Post


21st January 2018, 10:17
Gitto - letters = renters.
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21st January 2018, 10:27
Thanks smartie, I couldn't see that at all! Mind you, L + Pees had me scuttling down a rabbit hole for a very long time!!
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