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19th September 2017, 12:32
if you look at the second word in the question ,back also means in reverse ,hope this makes sense.I m down to my last 4 but the are real puzzlers .
31 of 262  -   Report This Post


19th September 2017, 12:38
Thanks will work on it another way now
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19th September 2017, 14:53
Why is this quiz called "Treasure Hunt" ?
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19th September 2017, 15:36
I don't know how many answers you have solved, but the theme will become apparent.
Hints as to the theme are in posts #15 and #27
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20th September 2017, 12:46
This totally eludes me. have tried everything. may give it a rest for a few days
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20th September 2017, 13:38
look at another word for plain and the pi is in reverse for the second part of the clue .Stil struggling with no's 18,68,83 32 ,going to give it a rest for a couple of days .
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21st September 2017, 00:52
Well, quizmad, I get the drift of your last post, and I'm sure you are correct, but I can't see how that falls into line with the actual clue! In other words, the two words don't seem to point to what the answer should be. Or have I missed the point.......?
37 of 262  -   Report This Post


21st September 2017, 01:06
Same here, more confused than ever. this has been one of the most intriguing clues ever
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21st September 2017, 08:13
look in the dictionary for another word for plain ,second word ends with the second word in the clue reversed at the end ,hope this helps .I am no firther rorward with mine yet .
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21st September 2017, 11:39
18, find the answer to second half of clue. then the first half makes sense.
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