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13th September 2017, 17:34
Am 100% with you, tintin - how could I sit staring at a question for hours/days without any inspiration, and then....! Of course, it is a high and low situation - desperate to complete all 100 and then a sense of "What do I do now?" until the next quiz arrives!
11 of 262  -   Report This Post


14th September 2017, 05:39
I did the same as you non plussed but at midnight when I woke up for work. Much easier to work on now I know the link. However think one of my answers is wrong
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14th September 2017, 08:12
I have answered about 60 but still do not know the link. Frustrating as some answers maybe wrong once the link is known.
Have been doing this quiz for about 25 -30 years. Way back when they only had about a couple of hundred entries and never been stumped like this.
Back to the drawing board.
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14th September 2017, 20:19
Itsme, would it be asking too much to tell me which word in the clue to 69 led you to the answer! I finished the other 99 a week ago and although I have got an answer for 69 I really can't quite make it fit the clue. When there is only one left it is always nagging away.
If everyone thinks it is too soon to ask then I will (happily!) wait. Thanks
14 of 262  -   Report This Post


14th September 2017, 21:04
Tex 123 - While I am not going to give you clues as to actual answers to any questions, as it is still rather early, you may be able to discover the "missing link" if you look at this random statement:

"That notion seems rougher, Bob"

(Hope this helps - good luck!)

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14th September 2017, 22:43
There's always a clue in the title, not to mention the character on the first page of questions.
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14th September 2017, 23:17

marmalade ...... the word 'back' helped me. ;o)
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14th September 2017, 23:34
It's great how many people love this quiz, I do too - I do sometimes suppress a smile though at comments like'''

// "What do I do now?" until the next quiz arrives!//

Not in an unkind way, honestly.

I am a self confessed quiz addict and average 15 a month sometimes more, some are easy enough to do with a morning cuppa, others have you getting the maps and reference books out.

The joy is both keeping the grey matter going and helping charities large and small both at home and abroad.
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15th September 2017, 05:59
post #19 reported.

Post 19 deleted, thanks Mottram. Norah
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15th September 2017, 08:20
I've got a logical answer for 90 and can't see any sign of an anagram!!
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