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27th April 2010, 00:49
Quite extraordinary! I've been completely unable to get 88 for well over a month now, but as soon as I posted my question the answer suddenly hit me.
411 of 435  -   Report This Post


27th April 2010, 01:30
Could anyone please drop me a hint for No. 31 "Take a stroll beyond the enclosure in a London Street" (8 4). This is my last one - it doesn't seem to have been a problem for anyone else but I just cannot get it !!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks.
412 of 435  -   Report This Post


27th April 2010, 02:29
Second part is a word fora stroll, first part is where polly may be kept.

up to now have only asked glad to help.
413 of 435  -   Report This Post


27th April 2010, 06:32
Think what sport is played at 50! Players try to pot the balls in what!
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27th April 2010, 07:12
Mags - what are your thoughts for 99?
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27th April 2010, 09:27
Number 50.
Anagram of last 3 words = name of an author.
Then look up a list of his plays/books.
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27th April 2010, 09:32
Perhaps the answer to number 99 is in the first 3 words of the clue...
"Hold on to" as in k**p...?
417 of 435  -   Report This Post


27th April 2010, 11:50
June. No - I don't think that keepnet is the answer. In Chambers (the font of all wisdom for this puzzle), a keepnet is suspended IN the water, not OVER it. With this puzzle, every word is significant. Or did you have a different word in mind?
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27th April 2010, 20:55
Thanks Gloria for help with No. 31 - thinking deeply!!

Badger4. Sorry but I only have Keepnet - but not confident.
419 of 435  -   Report This Post


28th April 2010, 11:11
A keep net is partly out of the water or the fish would escape if it was all IN the water.
The clue is ambiguous I admit.
I also think that ' k*****t better fits the theme of the clue.
Don't let me influence you if you think otherwise. Go for it and good luck with the quiz.
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