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8th April 2010, 15:40
9) first part season (but not weather) plus where wine is kept
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8th April 2010, 18:12
Goofy.Thats what you had as answer for 78 according to previous posts.
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8th April 2010, 19:00
Hi palman - but I'm allowed to change my mind aye?!
Didn't mean to be bossy chrisg - a good answer, but not quite right!

and I'm still struggling 9 on wine stock (salt Pepper?) and 35 - not BO!
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8th April 2010, 19:41
35 first bit is what you do if you don`t know the words.
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9th April 2010, 08:01
Well Goofy, Palman and others, what shall we do about 99? If nothing else occurs to me I will put keepnet even though I have doubts about it being correct. Like many others I have been doing these quizzes a long time, this is my 12th year, and this one clue is proving to be the most awkward and causing the most discussion. We can rest assured that the compilers will find something even more difficult next time....long may they last!
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leslie mustoe

9th April 2010, 09:09
We have some time left and I won't give in yet. With all the cunning and careful crafting of clues I can't believe that they would have
used 'over' instead of 'in'. Every word needs scrutiny: is the use of 'when' significant? We can't take off our thinking caps.
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9th April 2010, 09:20
Sure you are Goofy,if you look at the posts I told you to look again at your answer for 78.I am still pondering 99 but if I dont come up with anything better keepnet is my answer,chiefly because Chambers definition says suspended in the river etc.
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9th April 2010, 11:05
Hi Palman - you did, and I did!

35) I've been thinking about hum - then humidity for damp, but can't get a celebration or a container! Still, a recently pointed out, still a while to go.

As for 99) I'm leaning towards keepnet, but not convinced. Don't like tureens at all.
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9th April 2010, 12:22
Goofy, stick with hum then add celebration and ireland.
I've only the dread 99 left and keep going over and over!
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9th April 2010, 12:36
I don't know why you're making difficult. How many words begin with HUM. Look in a dictionary, there's not even a page of them.
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