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14th April 2010, 14:13
Thankyou so much.
391 of 435  -   Report This Post


16th April 2010, 12:06
I have just worked my way through the site looking for any help on Q 85 - These chaps are late after a drinking bout (4,3. Can't find anything so would be glad of a hint. Thanks.
392 of 435  -   Report This Post


16th April 2010, 12:14
babs - The late John Smith is d???
he was alive!
393 of 435  -   Report This Post


16th April 2010, 15:33
Thanks Goofy. These are so obvious when you see the answer.
394 of 435  -   Report This Post


16th April 2010, 17:17
I am left with number 49 to do and others to check.
With number 49 I get a word for maicious report as beginning with s and ending in r, add o and I cannot get any joy in googling etc .I cannot get any joy while searching for ' bogus book'.
Could you point me in the right direction please before I go gaga ?
395 of 435  -   Report This Post


16th April 2010, 17:45
I finally got s------r by looking in
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19th April 2010, 17:24
OK -Still looking for a better anagram than Patera for 78 (not helped by absence of the right Chambers) and not wildly convinced by the Logo connnection to Pot of Gold for 45 or why a Pannier = ambulance for 61. Anyone have better theories for these? Assume we still have no definitive answer for 99!
397 of 435  -   Report This Post


19th April 2010, 20:05
Stuck on 76. It can't be as simple as Noddy's friend and how is that a container? A point in the right direction would be welcome.
398 of 435  -   Report This Post


19th April 2010, 20:54
Alan......think a mo......
78 Which word usually follows 'Saratoga' ?

45 What is said to be found at the end of a rainbow ?(Competition's logo ).

Bazza..........think of a word for 'prominent'.
399 of 435  -   Report This Post


19th April 2010, 22:23
Thanks June, think I've got that one. Interesting debate on 99, I'm sticking to keepnet. Just a different anagram for 78, and 62 which everyone says is simple but....
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