Good morning, Rusty!
Dry out but extremely cold! Fortunately, no sign of any snow as yet.
Phil did well to come second. And it is good that you doubled your money!
That is odd that your optometrist should tell you now that you might have had one pupil larger than the other since birth? Surely had that been the case, it would have been noticed at some stage in the intervening years?
Do you remember ever knocking your head? again, one would think it might have happened quite recently, for the same reason. Maybe between last November and your previous appointment before that?
But presumably he thinks that there is nothing to worry about?
(I did manage to restrain myself from rushing to a mirror to study my own pupils!
although I will admit to sneaking a quick look later!)
I came back from my walk slightly earlier than usual as the electrician is arriving soon..... I don't know how long we shall need the electricity turned off.
Better boil the kettle now for drinks ........