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14th February 2016, 16:50
Hi, Rusty!
I see what you mean now about the unsureness (is this a word? perhaps I should say 'uncertainty'? ) of horse-racing!
I am glad that she is all right, though!
She wouldn't want to have missed out on Fakenham on Friday. She will value that coming experience too much.
Is the horse okay, too?
Sorry, I'd forgotten again about the time difference in California...of course it would be later than here, and if Phil is last out.......
Yes, well done, Trevor!
I was really thrown by that Hoskins bit, especially as I had heard of it before........a strange coincidence!
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14th February 2016, 18:03
Hello, Elle!
Horse and jockey both fine.
Could have been a lot worse.
I dread to think how many bones AP has broken during his career! Happens to the best of them.
Good experience for Vic. She had many a tumble, racing on the bike, but would not appreciate a horse falling on her!
I am still confused regarding Hoskins, but I did not know he was a setter.
Phil will be teeing off soon.
He has a two shot lead.
I need him in the top five to make a profit, but if he wins I shall be very pleased. He has not won for a couple of years.
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14th February 2016, 19:23
Hi, Rusty!
I've had an email from my daughter! They all had a great time with "Thomas"!
She has sent some photos of our grandson with the "Tank Engine", and also one of him worn out when they got home.
He's fast asleep on the sofa - it looks like he will have to be carried to bed!
I'd say a successful day out, wouldn't you?
And elder daughter has just phoned - she did that as I was typing this.....they are all set for arrival on Tuesday and have loads of potential plans for the week!
What were you saying about my being run off my feet......?
Fingers crossed for Phil...and for you so that you can make a little profit from your bet!
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14th February 2016, 19:54
Hello, Elle!
Good news about your family, and their visit.
Seems like they had a good day out.
"Good old Phil" has been overtaken!
My bet is teetering!
The scenery at Pebble Beach is sensational.
Best looking golf course for me!
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14th February 2016, 21:16
Hey, Rusty!
I'm sorry to hear that Phil is falling back........but your bet is for his being in the top five isn't it?
Where does he stand now?
Anyway, you only bet a small amount , didn't you? So not much to lose? only the disappointment of his not winning or even making the top five?
I'm not sure if I'm offering much consolation here?
Our weather forecast is looking fairly grim - apparently we may get some snow tomorrow or in the following few days.
I do hope not! It is not the snow but the icy aftermath that I dread!
After cracking my head last time it snowed and I slipped on hidden ice, I am constantly reminded by dog walker friends of the awful crack my head made when it hit the concrete kerb of the park path!
(I can still hear the noise!!)
I shall hibernate if it does snow! Dog restricted to garden, and food bought online!!!
Just dry and cold though at the moment.
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14th February 2016, 23:38
Hello, Elle!
Good old Phil finished second.
Not so bad!
Doubled my money, and that is pleasing.
I think I am due snow too.
I am very wary of slippy pavements.
Speaking of cracks in the head.
My optometrist told me one of my eye pupils is larger than the other. One of the causes of that is a head knock.
I have never ever noticed it, before.
He noticed it in November and during the week, there.
He also said it could have been like that from birth!
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15th February 2016, 09:28
Good morning, Rusty!
Dry out but extremely cold! Fortunately, no sign of any snow as yet.
Phil did well to come second. And it is good that you doubled your money!
That is odd that your optometrist should tell you now that you might have had one pupil larger than the other since birth? Surely had that been the case, it would have been noticed at some stage in the intervening years?
Do you remember ever knocking your head? again, one would think it might have happened quite recently, for the same reason. Maybe between last November and your previous appointment before that?
But presumably he thinks that there is nothing to worry about?
(I did manage to restrain myself from rushing to a mirror to study my own pupils!
although I will admit to sneaking a quick look later!)
I came back from my walk slightly earlier than usual as the electrician is arriving soon..... I don't know how long we shall need the electricity turned off.
Better boil the kettle now for drinks ........
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15th February 2016, 14:04
Good afternoon, Elle!
It is a smashing day here.
Coldish but very bright.
Phil did not play as well as he could have, but the sensational scenery at Monterey Bay more than made up for it
A beautiful part of the world.
On a more sombre note, it was into the ocean here that John Denver's plane crashed.
My pupil!
Well, I suppose I have had a few bangs on the head in my time.
Played football when I was young, had quite a few falls when bike racing. All perfectly normal things that happen to most of us.
Nothing to worry about in my layman's opinion!
How is your sparky getting on?
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15th February 2016, 14:56
Hello Everyone,

Elle, in sympathy with you, we had a power cut that lasted over an hour ! Don't know the reason though.

Hi Rusty, Have just come back from the village - Sunshine is nice but boy is it cold ! We had minus 3C last night and things are not going to improve for a few days - in fact it's supposed to get even colder; Seems to be similar to your weather non?
Problem : a lot of vegetation is nearly in bud (very early) , so hope it will not affect the shrubs etc...
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15th February 2016, 15:42
Good afternoon, Pigale!
I think you have it slightly colder than me!
Beautiful day here, and tomorrow should be the same.
The plants are forward here too.
Must think it is Spring!
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