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seamus, ayrshire

28th November 2015, 13:31
Not really part of a lorry is it? More like a whole one.
4461 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th November 2015, 13:32
It's a (prickly) part of Glasgow that has the borders lifted.
4462 of 30765  -   Report This Post

seamus, ayrshire

28th November 2015, 13:40
... and the locals probably would prefer it to be known as South Kelvinside!
4463 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th November 2015, 14:57
I spotted that, Malone!
Maybe the crossword editor has heard about me moaning!
Is it me or was The Times crossword a bit on the easy side today?
4464 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th November 2015, 15:06
Rusty, glad you spotted the Glasgow reference. Yes, today's crossword seemed an awful lot easier.
4465 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th November 2015, 15:08
Hello, Elle!
Dreich does not begin to describe the weather here!
A horrible day!
Father Flanagan has been put to one side, for now.
Did you ever hear any more from Chambers?
You are a wee bit early to put up the Christmas tree, surely?
How are you and Adblock getting on?
All OK, I hope?
4466 of 30765  -   Report This Post

seamus, ayrshire

28th November 2015, 15:34
If Adblock doesn't work for you try Ghostery instead.
4467 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th November 2015, 15:41
As i understand it, Ghostery blocks Trackers not Ads. Many people use abloc and ghostery together (along with no-script).
4468 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th November 2015, 16:10
Hi, Rusty!
We have had quite a nice day here weatherwise! The sun has been shining for most of the day, although it has been very cold indeed!
We made it home before we had a little rain!
Fine again now though, but nearly dark.
No, no word from Chambers! I have resigned myself to my ill-fated 13th edition, plus my print-out of the 500 missing words ( incl. taghairm!)
Christmas trees abound in the shops and some people's homes already down here! and the decorations are lit up in our village High Street!
Adblock is fine, thanks for your help!
I have done nothing "useful" all day! I've completed two crosswords, nearly finished my book - and half-heartedly pushed the hoover (sorry, Dyson) around!
What have you been doing?

4469 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th November 2015, 16:20
Is anyone else wearing a BioBank movement recorder? (BioBank is collecting huge amounts of data about people aged from about 60, I think, until they die). Mine arrived in a sheath-like container, and I tried to put it on my wrist like that. Doh!
Think I'd better change my deodorant; none of the people I went on holiday with last year want to repeat the experience next year!
4470 of 30765  -   Report This Post