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27th November 2015, 08:59
I use different browsers.
On laptop it is Windows 10 and Chrome.
On tablet, Firefox and Opera.
I often try other browsers,. There are dozens of them.
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27th November 2015, 10:28
Morning, Rusty!
Thank you so much for all your helpful advice!
I'm sorry I have been so long in replying, but since I came back from the park I have been sitting here trying all the suggestions you made!
Switching the Hudl off and on made no difference. I am reluctant to use Firefox as for some strange reason it gives me trouble with Hotmail on the tablet? (it's fine if used on the desk top - altho I prefer IE) It could just be me, I 'm no computer whizz kid!
But I followed the suggestion to reinstall the Adblock Plus and so far ....NO more adverts!
So far, so good! Thank you!
I wonder why it suddenly stopped working though?
What time do you have to go to Miss O's graduation?
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27th November 2015, 15:11
Hello, Elle!
Home from graduation. Very heavy rain here.
All went well, they went to lunch and I came home.
That is good you have reinstalled Adblock and no problems.
I understand Adblock are going to introduce an Adblock browser.
It is in Beta format just now, but hopefully ready to launch soon.
I had problems before with Adblock plus "waiting on traffic" etc
I binned it on Hudl, and installed Firefox and uBlock.
Trouble free so far!
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27th November 2015, 15:50
Hi, Rusty!
I'm glad that Miss O's graduation ceremony went well and that you all enjoyed the special occasion!
Our next reason for celebrating is this coming Wednesday when it is both our son's birthday - he will be 38 - and our Wedding Anniverary (43 years!)
I am hoping to be taken out to dinner (it's a work in progress....!)
It has been raining on and off all day here too; not heavily but enough to be 'wetting'.
I should have taken the dog out again this afternoon (she always has two walks) but fell asleep - I was unusually tired yesterday after the school inspection.
I feel better now, but it is beginning to go dark goes dark a lot earlier down South.
Too late to take her now...... I think maybe a ball game in the garden!
I don't suppose you have had time yet to do today's crossword......?
My friend is back from holiday so I am down to the QC and the Times2 15x15!
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27th November 2015, 16:12
Hello, Elle!
Almost dark here!
All went well at graduation. Except the weather.
Even had a pipe band playing!
My granddaughter seemed to get gifts from folk.
I did not realise that was a "requirement"!
No, no paper today so no crossword.
Funny thing, one of the " ASDA ladies" who often serve me, was at the graduation!
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27th November 2015, 17:23
Hi, Rusty!
I didn't know that presents were a requisite at a graduation either! I don't recall either of our girls getting gifts from folk?
We did all go out for a special celebratory meal afterwards!
We were up North as both girls went to Manchester University (it being especially good for Computer Science)
(Younger daughter's graduation was the occasion when we lost all our clothes!)
Fancy seeing the lady from ASDA - what a small world!
Good to have a pipe band playing - did you wear your kilt?
My cousin wore his on all family "occasions".
Must just go and wash my hair...I meant to do it anyway this evening....but the play in the wet in the garden with the dog definitely finished it off!
Too curly now!
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27th November 2015, 17:53
Hello, Elle!
Miss Orlando got cards and gifts.
Maybe just a tradition up here?
She had on the highest heels I have ever seen!
I was almost dapper.
I had on a cord jacket, moleskin trousers, and a yellow shirt, and green tie with salmon flies on it!
You would not mistake me for a city slicker!
I have just ordered my Hammerite paint and several books, including one from America. It is about Sacco and Vanzetti.
Looks to be good !
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27th November 2015, 19:29
Hi, Rusty!
Good for Miss Orlando ! and at her age why not very high heels?
I always wonder, now, though, however did I manage to walk in the high heels that I wore in my 'youth'?!
I still wear a (more moderate ) heel if I am going out for a special occasion, but otherwise I wear flatties or trainers or walking boots! or even wellies in the present weather conditions.
Fashion eventually gives way to comfort and practicality!!!!
I'm sure that you looked good , Rusty, whatever you wore for the auspicious occasion!
I'm glad you procured your metal paint - was it a Black Friday bargain?
You will have to 'educate' me - who are Sacco and Vanzetti?
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27th November 2015, 20:56
Hello, Elle!
No, the paint and books were normal price.
Just the radio was cheaper.
Sacco and Vanzetti were anarchists who were found guilty of a robbery and murder in Massachusetts.
The case became a cause celebre (spelling?)
Eventually they were electrocuted, but their guilt or innocence lived on long after they had died. Michael Dukakis came very close to exonerating them, but not quite.
The book gets good reviews. It is coming from Texas so won't arrive for 2/3 weeks.
I have missed my crossword today!
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27th November 2015, 22:28
Hi, Rusty!
Your book sounds as though it will be a "good read" - obviously a controversial subject?
I don't remember getting any feed back from you about "Father Flanagan"? did you enjoy the book ?
I now have ten books lined up waiting for me to read them! I think I'd better hold fire for a while before buying any more!
At the moment I am in the middle of reading Terry Pratchett's
I must start thinking seriously about Christmas shopping ; also hunting out the Christmas tree and decorations (from the loft ) and making a start on writing Christmas cards - time is just rushing past and I'm getting nowhere!
I always end up posting my Overseas cards in time for them to arrive for Easter!
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