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24th December 2019, 23:06
Hi, Rusty!
Oops, the fitment of the venetian blind in the kitchen has just snapped!
The blind is now "neither up nor down"..... just like the Grand Old Duke of York's ten thousand men!
My neighbour has recently had new blinds fitted; I shall ask her for a contact number.
Yes, we are lucky in that we have a caring family.
Good friends are important, too!
I am hoping for a fine day tomorrow.
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25th December 2019, 08:10
Good morning, Elle, and Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Still dark out, but I hope the weather is fair.
I know an excellent blinds fitter but he will be too far away for you!
Hope you and your husband enjoy your day out at your daughter's.
I am looking forward to seeing my granddaughters, later!
There is a puzzle in The Times online today.
Something to do later, perhaps!
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25th December 2019, 08:50
Good morning, Rusty!
Merry Christmas!
It is a lovely day here, bright blue sky and sunshine.
Yes, I thought of your blinds fitter when our blind broke!
I shall sort out something after the festivities are over.
Our daughter is coming to collect us about 11 o'clock.
In the interim, our other daughter will be ringing ...and our son, too, if he has the chance .
It will be a busy time for him at the hotel., so we may not hear from him till this evening.
I hope you have a lovely time with the girls!
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25th December 2019, 12:25
Hello Elle and Rusty,

Not been in touch for a while - basically because I don't seem
to have anything of interest to say! My life is rather 'humdrum',
yet it does not bother me really.

I gather from reading through some of your latest posts that you
both have health problem? You Rusty with a bug (and a fall over
the hoover! Just goes to show that housework is dangerous!)

and you Elle, worrying about your husband not feeling too good.

Well, I do hope your bug clears soon Rusty, and I am glad that
hubby is going to have further investigation Elle! I know men are
often reluctant to look after themselves, and we, their wives, need
to be extra vigilant!

Anyway, please let me wish you three, (you Elle, hubby and
Rusty) a very merry Christmas.
I hope you enjoy the day besides your respective worries.

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25th December 2019, 19:24
Hi, Rusty!
How was your day?
I hope you enjoyed your visit from your granddaughters?
I feel sure that you have received some lovely presents.
We had a great time at our daughter's.
Our son- in -law cooked a delicious lunch .....
We had roast beef and gammon with all the usual festive additions.
( None of us particularly likes turkey!)
YB is convinced that during the night he saw Santa arrive , bringing the presents!
There was certainly a veritable display of exciting gifts!

Merry Christmas, Pigale!
How lovely to hear from you.
Yes, it has not been the best of times health wise lately.
As you know, it is distressing when one's loved ones are ill, and one feels powerless to help them.
It was a lovely day...but very tiring for my husband
I hope the antibiotics help him....but it is a worrying time.
How are your two cats? Do they sense that it is Christmas?
My cat s being unusually good this that so far the Christmas tree remains intact!
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25th December 2019, 19:44
Hello, Pigale!
Nice to hear from you.
Don't be a stranger!
I think you always have something of interest to say.
I'm fine, just a bug which seems to be lingering.
On stronger stuff to eliminate it, so fingers crossed!
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25th December 2019, 19:55
Good evening, Elle!
No presents here. But I got a voucher for ASDA, so that's fine!
I told everyone I did not want any presents.
You seem to have had a nice time, so that's fine!
I had a cottage pie for my dinner.
It was good!
Now, there was the mystery in Carol of the Drum of where the children were going and why the parents were staying?
Why the farewells?
I could not find an answer, but I discovered another mystery in the performance!
There were only adult men and women taking part, and young girls.
Not a boy to be seen anywhere in the performance.
So, why?
Why no boys taking part?
I have searched on Google but cannot find an answer.
Even read up on the Mormons to see if there was a clue there, but nothing.
Why no boys?
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25th December 2019, 20:44
Good evening, Rusty!
An Asda voucher is still a present!
And a very thoughtful and practical one , too.
I always like vouchers, as then I can browse...... and choose.
Yes, we enjoyed our day, but it has left my husband very exhausted .....possibly partly due to the very strong antibiotics.
I am hoping that another twenty- four hours will see an improvement.
And how about you?
Are you feeling back to "normal"?
I, too, had searched Wikipedia to find a solution to the Carol of the Drum "mystery"...... I still cannot understand the ending......
I don't know why there are no boys taking part?
I hadn't really thought about that!
Another "holiday" tomorrow......
Do you do anything special on Boxing Day?
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25th December 2019, 21:14
Hello, Elle!
Yes, a voucher is a present, but I told them all I did not want one.
I am an a "strong" antibiotic, my GP said, and there are several side effects kicking in, so possibly your husband is the same.
I don't feel "normal" at all, but I am just taking it day to day.
I did not notice the lost boys until today (and I noticed a wee man playing the triangle!).
Maybe the girls left to look for the boys?
Is there anything in the bible about that?
No plans tomorrow, just going for my paper when the shop opens.
9.00 a.m. opening tomorrow.
And I'll watch the big race at Kempton.
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25th December 2019, 21:19
PS, Elle.
It is just as well it was not called the "Little Drummer Boy" at that time, for there was not a little boy to be seen!
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