Hello Elle and Rusty,
Not been in touch for a while - basically because I don't seem
to have anything of interest to say! My life is rather 'humdrum',
yet it does not bother me really.
I gather from reading through some of your latest posts that you
both have health problem? You Rusty with a bug (and a fall over
the hoover! Just goes to show that housework is dangerous!)
and you Elle, worrying about your husband not feeling too good.
Well, I do hope your bug clears soon Rusty, and I am glad that
hubby is going to have further investigation Elle! I know men are
often reluctant to look after themselves, and we, their wives, need
to be extra vigilant!
Anyway, please let me wish you three, (you Elle, hubby and
Rusty) a very merry Christmas.
I hope you enjoy the day besides your respective worries.