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23rd November 2019, 13:33
Hello, Elle!
Yes, the cafe was very busy today.
Even had to wait a few minutes to get a seat.
15a, A "sardine" is in a can.
s(t)a(i)r(s) plus dine/eat.
3, The boxer is Joe "Louis", heavyweight champion of the world many years ago.
I think the parse is "oui" for French agreement.
With (rebe)"L("lion) and "s" for succeeded.
30111 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2019, 15:02
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Yes, I thought the Pine Cone would be busy.....but at least you got a seat, and a meal, without too much delay.
There would be a lot of trading in Christmas trees, too, I expect?
Or is it still too early?
Thank you for explaining 15a and 3d for me........
I especially liked the latter...but will admit to never having heard of Joe Lewis!
I think my all-out favourite today was 19a; oedipal.
And I also liked 20a: reefer; 10a; Herculean ; 17d: in essence.
A good puzzle I thought!
It is still raining here........I think I shall give up the possible thought of going out for another walk....
And will go and wash my hair!

Thank you, too, Malone!
I'm with you in not knowing of many boxers.....
(although I do know a few canine ones!)
30112 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2019, 16:58
Hello, Elle!
I did not see any Christmas tree buyers today.
They deliver, too.
Joe Louis was a great boxer.
I think he was champion for about 12 years, which may be a record.
It has became a bit wet here, too.
Seems to be the same across the country.
I've been watching the European curling final.
Sweden just beat Scotland.
It was a good puzzle but it was on the easy side, I think.
30113 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2019, 18:37
Hi, Rusty!
I wonder will there be the Sholach Christmas trees in Crystal Palace Park again this year?
If so, it should be getting near time for them to be on display.
But I have not seen any advertising there, as yet.
I think they sell trees from 3ft tall to 12ft?
I wonder how much of a market there is for the very large trees, though?
Our ( artificial) tree is 5ft.
It is a "Canadian pine" and does look extremely realistic!
We have to nail it down onto a board, though, as otherwise the cat tends to pull it over , when he is playing with the baubles!
Still raining here!
30114 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2019, 19:43
Good evening, Elle!
Raining here!
Yes, it is time for the Sholachs to put in an appearance.
Do you have your tree up?
My Christmas tree is a small artificial one.
Now, speaking of Christmas trees, Mikaela Shiffrin won the slalom skiing event in Finland today, and was presented with a reindeer!
That's four reindeer/s she has won.
30115 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2019, 20:55
Hi, Rusty!
No tree up as yet!
I think it's a tad too early?
We usually put ours up about the second week of December, and then leave it up until just before Twelfth Night (January 6th)
It is nice to have the tree still up for my husband's birthday party on New Year's Day!
When do you put up your tree?
A reindeer?
Do you mean a "real" one?
Whatever does Mikaela do with them?!
30116 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2019, 21:25
Hello, Elle!
A bit early for a tree to be up.
Yes, Mikaela gets a real reindeer.
She has names for them all, too.
I am not certain but I think the reindeer stay in Lapland all year.
I remember Lindsey Vonn winning a cow in Switzerland, one time.

Mikaela and her new reindeer!

30117 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2019, 21:50
Hi, Rusty!
I like the reindeer!
He seems friendly, too.
The reindeer surely don't become the responsibility of Mikaela ( or any other winner) though, do they?
She couldn't look after four reindeer who were remaining in Lapland?
And Lindsey's cow!
It is a novel idea presenting livestock as a "prize", but who then pays for their upkeep?
I guess one might just keep a cow in one's back garden......but a reindeer?
I was once on my way to Tesco's over in Thornton Heath, when I saw three goats on leads, being taken for a walk !

30118 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2019, 22:06
Hello, Elle!
Yes, the reindeer seem friendly!
I think the reindeers remain in Lapland.
Mikaela lives in Colorado and I doubt if Colorado would be suitable for reindeers!
Mikaela's first three reindeers are called Rudolph, Sven, and Mr Gru.
No idea where Mr Gru's name came from!
I was pleased to see Wendy Holdener come second today.
She is recovering from a bad crash which caused an arm injury.
30119 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2019, 23:20
Hi, Rusty!
It's still wet here, but I think tomorrow is supposed to be a fine day.
The plan is to take the dog out early in the morning, as usual.
I am not sure whether our daughter is planning to come over here with the children or not.
I cannot remember what she told me!
I have a feeling that one of the boys may have a birthday party to attend.
And of course there is the Children's Park Run at 9 am
BB takes part in that.
I expect she will ring me in the morning!
Well, I'd better let the dog out before it is time for bed!
30120 of 30765  -   Report This Post