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23rd November 2019, 09:07
I do not talk to scammers. If I am unsure of the number and answer a scam call, I take the local police advice which is : stay silent, hang up, and block.
Better still, I let the call go to voice mail. Genuine people will usually leave a message; scammers usually don't .
I agree the TPS is useless !

30101 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2019, 09:17
re: TPS this is from their website:

The remit of TPS lies strictly within the boundaries of live unsolicited calls of a sales/marketing nature. It does not stop other call types such as recorded/automated messages, silent calls, market research, overseas companies, debt collection, scam calls, nuisance and abusive calls etc.

Not much help then !

30102 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2019, 09:42
Good morning, Cerasus!
What you are doing regarding scam calls is excellent.
The problem is, some, usually older folk, do not realise it is a scam call, and there lies trouble!
I did not realise the TPS was as ineffective as it appears to be!
30103 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2019, 09:53
Good morning Rusty
It is a huge problem for people who are vulnerable and the situation is seriously out of control at the present time.. I keep an eye on neighbours and friends who I fear may fall prey and those who have family nearby do the same.
30104 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2019, 10:37
Good morning, Rusty!
A wet morning here.....not quite as chilly, though.
A muddy dog...but at least there is less hair to dry, due to her trim!
I do not have specific call to go out may well stay put!
How about you?
Any plans for today?
Are you going to the Pine Cone?

Thank you for the further input on TPS, Cerasus!
These scam calls are indeed a serious problem for the vulnerable.
30105 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2019, 10:41
Good morning, Elle!
Dry and mild here.
I am just getting me ready to head out.
There was a bit in my local paper saying older folk will be taken on trips to the Pine Cone.
Some organisation is running it.
Today's puzzle is the easiest of the week, I think!
30106 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2019, 10:54
Hi, Rusty!
I hope I am in time to catch you......have a good time!
Talk later...…..
30107 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2019, 13:13
Hi, Rusty!
Was the Pine Cone very busy?
I suspect that it would be so, on a Saturday ......and getting closer to Christmas?
I always think that the Saturday prize crossword puzzle is the easiest of the week.
And today's is no exception!
Just one, though, that I cannot do....
15a: Can occupant eat on stairs regularly? (7)
I can think of several words that will fit the letters - servile, service, sardine, surmise, survive - but can make no sense of them.
And how is 3d parsed, please?
Boxer Rebellion's central character succeeded after French agreement (5)
I have "Louis", but only because it fits.
I have the feeling I am being a bit dense here.....
30108 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2019, 13:27
Elle, 15 A is one of your listed answers. 'Stairs regularly' gives the start of the answer, then add a four-letter word for 'eat'.

3 D is Oui, French agreement, inside L, 'rebellion's central character' (letter) and S, succeeded.
30109 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2019, 13:29
Sorry, Elle … and for 3 D Joe Louis is the boxer (I think, I don't know many).
30110 of 30765  -   Report This Post