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8th August 2015, 20:58
Yes Chris
I am sure Anna will rearrange the horse operation for you
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8th August 2015, 22:12
Hi, Rusty!
Sorry, I fell asleep....I put the children to bed, then sat down for a 'minute'...!
So we have only just had our dinner!
I do let the children watch a little TV but only in very small doses! I think there is far too much television being watched, and computer games being played, these days - I'm all for board games and sporting activities! Much healthier out kicking a ball or playing tennis! Teaches them team spirit etc !
Ok I'll get down from my soap box!
I'm a bit confused...what (or maybe it should be whom) have you , Jazzgirl and Chris been talking about? I couldn't make head nor tail of it? obviously I've missed something?
(What sanctimonious post caused you to chuckle?!)
Time for a coffee, before I fall asleep again.....
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8th August 2015, 22:51
Hello, Elle!
I entirely agree with your approach to looking after/entertaining the young ones.
Let them play properly and throw the TV out of the window. I am not so sure that the electronic games should be discouraged though.
I cut my electronic teeth on Pacman!
No, you have missed nothing.
Someone you have mentioned being rightfully irked at the lack of response from a regular "asker of help".
My wee chuckle is a far!
I had a wee look at a book about an incident in Russia which led to the mysterious deaths of several students.
After eliminating all possibilities, the authorities appear to have reached a conclusion that an " eldritch" may have been involved. So, not having a Scooby what an eldritch is, it will give me something to investigate sometime tomorrow! Thinking of a "hawthorn tree" link?
Have a nice outing tomorrow and don't wear out the boys!
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9th August 2015, 07:54
Good morning, Rusty!
Today started at 6 am! ( fortunately, I think the 5 o'clock start might be behind us!) and both boys were in bed and asleep by 7.45 pm last night, worn out with all their activities! We're doing a great job of tiring them out!
We have a great day for our family picnic - the sun is shining, the sky is's already warm though, so I hope we can find a shady tree or two ......
Have no fear, the boys are not totally deprived of computer games... they each have a DSi, on which they play games, but the time they spend on them is strictly monitored.
I am about to do some tidying up, like half -heartedly pushing the hoover (?) that the lounge looks civilised....... then later I shall make some sandwiches. We have sausages, and meat pies and various other goodies , so we shall not starve! Our daughter is bringing food too!
She and the little one should be here about half past ten.
Meanwhile, onwards and upwards, as they say........(is that in your book of idioms?)
I hope you have a good day planned?
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9th August 2015, 08:11
Hi Rusty
I think an eldritch is a witch or an old hag
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9th August 2015, 08:14
re thought I am confusing my self Eldrich is weird sinister or unearthly
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9th August 2015, 08:16
Elle, you're doing a great job with your grandsons. They will remember their time with their grandparents for the rest of their lives.
I have lived in the same house for over 40 years and yesterday my son and I took the children to the place he used to play (and, later, run) in. It took him some time to find his climbing tree, but it is still there and he climbed a little way. But not far; as he said, he has responsibilities now. We had a lovely picnic and they run everywhere including up and down the sides of old ochre pits, just as their Dad did. A lovely day for me.
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9th August 2015, 08:21
Elle, no plans today.
Just taking it as it comes.

Thank you, Doglet!
Another new word for me!

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9th August 2015, 08:37
Morning, Rosalind!
That was quite a trip down Nostalgia Lane for you! what a lovely day! How great to find the 'climbing' tree still standing!
How old are your grandchildren?
We have three grandsons (7 nearly 8, 5 and 3), and one granddaughter(5) - but she's much 'tougher' than the boys and can run rings round them when it comes to climbing and playing rough- and -tumble games! She's a real tom-boy ( although she's extremely pretty!)
It's the two elder boys who are staying with us.
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9th August 2015, 08:54
The boy is 5 and the little girl, 2. She is tough, too, and runs after her brother.
It is an oak tree in a country park so I hope it will still be there for them to show their children and run/bike up and down the sides of the ochre pits. We can pass on that kind of enjoyment to set against TVs and computers- though they have those in reception classes now. I don't mind, I just think it's good to have outdoor stuff as well.
I'm sure your daughter is very grateful for the break. How did you get the boys to play board games? I'm going to buy a tent when they come down in price at the end of the summer as I have a place we can go to pitch it. No water or loos, though!
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