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8th August 2015, 11:18
Hello everyone !

Do you know what ? We can actually breathe here! Temps have gone down by just enough for us to be able to feel comfortable. Thunders happened around with no concern to us except for the benefit of cooler air.

Re. Forum against Google : I agree that the Forum has a much more human approach to it, but on top of it, Google is of no help whatsoever when I can't parse an answer - and to my mind, an important part of revolving a cryptic Xwords is to find out WHY !
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8th August 2015, 11:28
Revolving crosswords sound hard, pigale - it must make it difficult to write the letters in.

We're one wicket away from winning the Ashes now. I'm off for a bike ride, and expect to have won by the time I get back.
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8th August 2015, 11:35
Well ChrisE, if some folks are finding the cryptic easier nowadays, perhaps 'Revolving crosswords' would be a plus ! Don't know what the compilers will make of it though !

Hope your bike ride has the desired effect !
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8th August 2015, 13:05
The bike ride worked, thanks pigale!
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8th August 2015, 13:07
Congratulations to England !
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8th August 2015, 18:24
Good evening, Rusty!
We've all had a very nice time! We decided at the last minute to stay out for the entire day as the weather is so nice, so quickly threw lunch in a bag and went out for a long walk with the dog!
The boys are very good walkers so we covered a lot of ground.
They are playing a game together at the moment but I think I'm required for the next one!
I've recently taught them to play "Sorry". Have you ever played it? It's a bit similar to ''Ludo'' in that the principle is to get the four counters round the board and into 'Home', but it's played with cards rather than a dice and is far more complicated than is Ludo. It's a good game.
You asked about plants for our, not vegetables ( I buy those from Sainsbury's!)
Flowers! We don't have a large enough garden to have a worthwhile veggie patch as well as flower beds.
And to be honest, neither of us is a keen enough gardener! I like the garden to look pretty but with the minimum of effort on my part!
Do YOU grow your own vegetables?
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8th August 2015, 19:50
Helli, Elle!
It is impressive, all this walking with the boys and playing games with them. No TV I notice!
Well done. You will be getting Granny of the Year nomination! I don't know Sorry, and have long forgotten how to play Ludo. Now, three card brag is another story!
I have no vegetables growing too.
Plenty In ASDA. Is Sainsbury a fine shop?
I had a bit of a chuckle earlier at a sanctimonious post, but shall keep it to myself!
What about bows and arrers for tomorrows trip?
The weather forecast is good.
The Fogartys have hollow fibres in them, Elle.
Could that be a modern term for straw?
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8th August 2015, 20:15
A certain person is getting no more answers from me, so there! ;) We are not robots dishing out answers ...we are real people
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8th August 2015, 20:29
Who has attracted your ire, jazzy?
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8th August 2015, 20:31
Just letting off ssssssssteam chris :)
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