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7th August 2015, 21:19
Jazzgirl, I have noticed the lack of crossword queries coming in.
Not sure why, but I have almost stopped doing a daily crossword. No reason, just doing different things.
Could be others are the same?
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7th August 2015, 21:21
Hi, Rusty!
Actually, I have been thinking about your camping idea......and, although I know you suggested it to wind me up(!) I do believe that there is some merit in it (somewhere!). Did I mention that we are all going on a picnic on Sunday ? Four grandsons all together? 7(nearly 8) 5, and 3 years.
I'm thinking we could take an old sheet and rig up a 'tent'? ( in the absence of the real thing?)
I'm sure they would love that - we're taking food such as sausages (although pre-cooked!) and it would be good fun, I think?
I'll remember to check the river (yes, we have one of those , too) for dead sheep!!!! (says she , tongue in cheek....)
You do have good ideas, sometimes, Rusty!
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7th August 2015, 21:25
rusty: other forums are very busy.
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7th August 2015, 21:30
Are they, Jazzgirl?
Did not realise that.
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7th August 2015, 21:31
rusy: today: this site: 7 crossword queries;
the "other one" 59 !
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7th August 2015, 21:38
Great, Elle!
A wee bit of imagination goes a long way!
Honestly, it sounds great!
And the boys will have a good time!
Hope the weather holds.
And no tongue in cheek about the Highland sheep!
Did Moobli not find any deer or sheep in a burn?
Find a place that is away from it all if possible.
Play at Robin Hood and the wicked Sheriff!
Take some rope and they can tie Granddad to a tree.
Great fun!
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7th August 2015, 21:42
It has been that way for a while, Jazzgirl.
People move on from sites.
Julie, Aberdeen;, Wendy, the Joker, and many more.
All gone from here.
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7th August 2015, 22:20
I don't even recognise any of those names you've just mentioned! and I've been on here for over a year now. Do you think there could be fewer queries because people are getting better at solving? I used to ask for a lot more 'help' than I do now, for instance. Maybe this applies to others; and it's holiday season too.
Folk with children/ grand children won't have as much time?
Also, a lot of the threads were from "Quizzers"- and they were sort of kindly warned off because of asking for help when the setters had specifically asked them not to do so?
Just a thought.....?
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7th August 2015, 22:31
Mmmm, Rusty, I'm not sure "Gramps" will see it that way! - I don't think being tied to a tree is high on his agenda.....
He's very good with the boys though, I'm sure he'll fix the 'tent'!
Eldest grandson has enough imagination to float the camping idea.... I think it's a winner!
I just hope now that we have a nice day for it on Sunday.
I think we're taking tomorrow 'as it comes' - nice and slowly, I hope!
I didn't put them to bed till 8.30 (don't tell their mum!) in the remote hope that we might get past the witching hour of 5 am!!!
I don't become 'human' until a quarter to six!!!
Have you got any special plans for the weekend? I don't think there is any tennis or Athletics... what about golf or cycling?
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7th August 2015, 23:10
Hello, Elle,
There are lots of names who were here and then disappeared. Two, at least, have died, that I know about.
I know I seem to be losing interest in doing a crossword.
It is just too easy now. For twenty years or more, before I knew about computers or help sites, my crossword was a labour of love every day. Often, a real struggle!
Now with a press of a couple of keys you get answers instantly, even those who post clues with bits missing, wrong letter count etc.
It is not as satisfying any more. For me, anyway.
So, you and the boys will be planning fun for Sunday!
The forecast is good, anyway!
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