Hello Elle!
Good to see you are still around! I was just wondering .............!!!
I agree that 'smoothies" seem to go on and on!
Yes, I am somewhat tired by the trip, but between my friend on
one side and my walking stick on the other, I coped even on the
snow-covered pavements! -Yes, we did have more snow at lunch
What I mean by 'tele-medicine' is that I walked into a room where
a nurse welcomed me, took my BP and then introduced me to a
doctor on computer monitor - ie it is a little like Skype, although
more complicated of course, and the doctor ask questions or you
can tell you what you need to tell him. It is basically set up only
to renew prescriptions! I suppose he (doctor) could give advice on
a particular problem, or suggest such and such a tablet, but he
does not physically have anything to do with you - he is located
'somewhere', but where, I don't even know! it could be Paris
or Lyon or even Nice! it is all done by Internet. He types his
prescription, or a copy of your old one, sends it to the Nurse's
computer who then prints it! and that is it!
Except that this system cannot deal with drug-type medicine, such
as morphine, which I so badly need at the moment.
Hence my waiting to see the 'real life' GP who also works in that
building, and he helped out with that part of my problem.
Strange no? I mean it is useful in a way, until such time as I have
a 'real' GP again! At least, the monthly prescriptions can be
renewed! But I certainly did not feel that I had been to see my
You know what I mean now?