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23rd January 2019, 16:05
Hello, Elle!
You need to be well wrapped up for your walk this weather!
I make kale smoothies.
Hazelnut and kale, is my favourite.
Next time I visit GP I'll ask him what he thinks of my kale eating!
I think it's fine, though.
I think it was fairly obvious to old hands like you, Malone, and me, that "playingcards" was a chancer, and is now a "busted flush", thanks to Norah!
I have no idea what happened to Nishikori.
I saw the first set, only.
He was being outplayed, then.
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23rd January 2019, 16:10
Elle, Rusty, the report I saw said that Nishikori retired with a thigh injury. It's always disappointing when a match is cut short, but I was in a good mood as Serena had been beaten!
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23rd January 2019, 16:19
Thanks, Malone!
Poor Serena, I don't think anyone likes her!
This is Nishikori retiring.
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23rd January 2019, 16:33
Thanks, Rusty. I think much of the dislike of Serena is merited! I was never a fan of hers, but her behaviour in last year's US Open put me off for life.
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23rd January 2019, 16:42
Hi, Rusty!
A smoothie sounds like a good way of "administering" the kale!
Do you make them with milk, or yoghurt or ice cream?
Thank you for the link about Nishikori.....
I had wondered whether he was injured...I didn't think it likely that he'd just given up!- but couldn't find any explanation when I Googled it this morning.
At least he was already losing ...and it was doubtful he would have won anyway.
So perhaps not as bitter a pill for him to swallow, as it could have been.
I've just been checking up on my son-in-law.
He is feeling okay after his accident, and has gone to work today as usual.
So that is good!

Thank you, Malone!
And no, Serena does not have a very endearing personality!
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23rd January 2019, 16:59

Thank you. Malone also explained it to me on another thread. As often with me, I was looking for something that was not there. If the setter is watching, I should like to apologise for questioning his excellent clue.

Elle/ Malone /Rusty

I do not follow tennis, but I too am glad she is out. I saw a clip of the behaviour that Malone mentioned - really appalling. If that had happened in football or cricket, there would have been serious consequences. Tennis discipline seems very lax. I heard there was serious racquet- smashing the other day, but nobody seems bothered.

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23rd January 2019, 17:07
Jigjag, the racquet-smasher (Zverev) will probably be fined - but the sums involved aren't punitive! Williams got big fines after her behaviour at the US Open - the sums involved would have been even less punishing for her.
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23rd January 2019, 17:07
Hello, Malone!
I totally agree with you regarding Serena's behaviour at the US Open.
It spoiled Naomi Osaka's victory.
I can't be doing with Serena at all.
25248 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd January 2019, 17:10
Thanks, Rusty. Seeing as we're all discussing tennis just now, I can mention a comment today that amused me. Nishikori said, after his match, ''I couldn't beat anyone with just one leg'. I'm sure he could - a one-legged opponent wouldn't trouble most of us!
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23rd January 2019, 17:16
Hello, Elle!
I normally use hazelnut, or raspberry, yogurts.
They're fine!
I do not know if it was the injury bothering Nishikori, but he was off the pace with Djokovic.
Novak was a class apart.
Good news about your son-in-law.
Our light covering of snow is still here.
Could have been much worse though.
Serena must get paid a lot of money to wear these outfits.
They are not becoming, at all!
25250 of 30765  -   Report This Post