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3rd January 2019, 10:37
Good morning, Elle!
Slightly less cold here today.
Still frosty though.
I was out earlier and went into a big TESCO store which I expected to be busy.
Plenty staff on, but few customers!
Home for the day now.
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3rd January 2019, 11:28
Hi, Rusty!
I am away now to get changed prior to going out.... as I do not think my daughter will want to "own" me in my dog-walking gear!
I hope the shops are not too busy!
Unfortunately, this is the only day we could fit in, before BB goes back to school on Monday.
I have done today's crossword - an easier one (for me) than was yesterday's puzzle.
Just a couple of parses still to solve......but I shall look at those again later.
I hope you have a good later.
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3rd January 2019, 13:11
Hello, Elle!
No, whatever you do, do not embarrass your daughter!
Make a bit of an effort!
The shops here are not busy.
I have completed the puzzle, too.
It is much easier than yesterday's.
24883 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd January 2019, 16:05
Good afternoon, Elle!
I found Margaret Ferguson's website.
The finished portraits are there.
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3rd January 2019, 16:30
Hi, Rusty!
I am home again and BB is with me..... he is sleeping over tonight, and spending tomorrow with us.
We had a successful shopping trip in that BB has chosen a very nice blue padded coat with a warm hood.
It wasn't in the Sales, but that doesn't matter, as it is what he wanted, and is eminently suitable.
We are all very pleased with our combined efforts!
I've just had a quick look at Margaret Ferguson's website.
Well done on finding it!
She has certainly put in a lot of it me, or is there a definite resemblance between some of these persons portrayed?
I saw a strong similarity, especially between some of the mouths?
I found myself clicking back on to the names, to see if there were shared surnames.......maybe relatives?
It would have been interesting had the individual photographs been shown next to the portraits.
I am being called to play a game.......I have promised to teach BB to play "Sorry"!
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3rd January 2019, 17:25
Hello, Elle!
Well done to you and the young man on a successful expedition!
And your daughter!
I think there will be similarities in the portraits.
There will be many intermarriages (is that a word?) on Lewis and Harris over the centuries.
I am fairly sure it is mentioned in "In Sight of Home", that the present generations could see the family resemblances in the lost sailors.
(Margaret is in the documentary, too)
I'll maybe look to see will I find all the displayed portraits.
I am not sure where she said they were, either at Holm or Stornoway.
I had a bit of a problem with reCaptcha earlier.
Passed it on to Norah!
24886 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd January 2019, 20:32
Hi, Rusty!
BB has dined, bathed and is in bed!
Although I am obviously prejudiced, I have to say that he is a delightful child!
Very good company!
Regarding the portraits, yes, I think you could well be right in saying that the facial resemblances come from intermarriage.
As I mentioned before, it would be of interest to compare a portrait with a photo?
I think someone else, on another thread, mentioned having trouble with Captcha this morning?
And I couldn't log in for quite a while...I was continually told that the page wasn't available.
Did Norah have any comments?
I have just realised today is Thursday!
Has your son been to see you?
Or are the days still out of alignment?
( Today has felt like a Saturday, to me!)
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3rd January 2019, 20:46
Good evening, Elle!
Yes, BB appears to be doing away fine.
reCaptcha would not let me post on "Marisa's" thread.
Neither on Hudl, nor Chromebook.
Norah was to tell Ash.
Still the same.
I think Cerasus had a bit of a problem with reCaptcha this morning.
I wonder why you could not log in?
Maybe gremlins on the site?
My son was here, full of the cold!
La Bamba and me for the Pine Cone tomorrow!
24888 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd January 2019, 22:11
Hi, Rusty!
Oops, I have been asleep!
I sat down, about 8.45 pm., intending to watch a recording of "Eggheads"....... and woke up about five minutes ago!
BB is fast asleep, my husband is in the bath, the dog is in the garden......and the cat and I are considering our next moves....
I think I am for my bed......before I fall sleep again on the sofa!
It is all these hectic board games.....they are wearing me out.
Friday tomorrow.... Oh dear! I am sure it should be Sunday!
The Pine Cone with Miss L-B sounds good!
You will enjoy that!
24889 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th January 2019, 17:47
Good evening, Rusty!
I hope all is well with you?
We have had a good day here....
BB's sleepover went very well, and we have all spent an enjoyable time together.
He has just gone home with mum and younger brother, who came to collect him.
Did you have a good time earlier with Miss La Bamba at the Pine Cone?
24890 of 30765  -   Report This Post