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2nd January 2019, 16:05
Hello, Elle!
It is cold outside!
It was an excellent documentary and I looked forward to seeing it, and was glad I did.
Here is a nice wee video of one local woman's tribute to the lost men.

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2nd January 2019, 17:43
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, it is very cold!
Our forecast for tomorrow is minus 1C.
I liked your video clip.......what a marvellous tribute the artist is making to the men who died, by painting their portraits for posterity.
And I also liked the idea of the cairn, composed of stones from the men's home villages.
That , too, is a great idea and a wonderful monument to their bravery.
I missed a phone call from my daughter whilst out....
I expect it was about arrangements for tomorrow.....
I must ring her back shortly after I have organised dinner...which I think it will be left overs" from yesterday!
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2nd January 2019, 17:56

Merci and glad your back is a lot better. You had a lovely day yesterday! Mine was good too. I cooked for 9 - an enormous roast beef dinner with 8 different vegetables which everyone enjoyed. Everything went well, except 15 year old nephew had nearly all the gravy! I could have made some more but they all told me not to, so we could get on with eating!

The table is clear now and I might start a new jigsaw tonight.

Best wishes for 2019.
24873 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd January 2019, 18:49
Good evening, Elle!
It was a good clip right enough.
The lady told her story very well of what she was doing for the lost men.
The cairn is a grand idea, too.
I find it difficult to get my head round it.
They were at war for four years and were within 100 yards of home, their loved ones, and safety, but they didn't get there.
And the young sailor washed ashore, dead, with an engagement ring in his pocket.
Just awful.
Anyway, the frost has descended again!

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2nd January 2019, 20:30
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I wish that I could have seen the documentary about the HMY Iolaire.
I have read quite a lot about the disaster now, but would have liked to see the programme.
My daughter phoned again......we are to meet at 1pm tomorrow for shopping.
Hopefully, we shall soon find what we want...I do not like "browsing"!
I think BB will have very definite ideas on the subject of his new jacket!
But "I have cunning plan".......
The rules are that we pick a few "suitable" coats, and then he can choose from those!
It is exceedingly cold here, too, now...but no frost as yet.
24875 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd January 2019, 21:07
Hello, Elle!
Well now, you can see the documentary on BBC iPlayer.
I have looked and it is there.
There are several programmes on the Iolaire, on BBC iPlayer, but most of them are in Gaelic, for BBC Alba.
But...the one I recorded is in English and was shown on BBC2 Scotland last night, so I imagine you could download it and watch it.
It is called, "In Sight of Home:The Iolaire".
Now, I confess to never having used iPlayer, so I am not at all sure how to go about it, but your daughters will keep you right, I am sure.
What kind of "suitable" coats are you after?
I can tell you now, your taste and BB's will be Poles apart!
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2nd January 2019, 21:26
Update, Elle!
The documentary is on YouTube.
It was put on today.
Just type you, "In Sight of Home: The Iolaire", into the searchbar and you shall find it.
It lasts for an hour.
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2nd January 2019, 21:45
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, thank you for the Update about YouTube!
However, I had been researching, and I had already found "In Sight of Home:The Iolaire" on BBC iPlayer!
Had you not mentioned that, though, I would never have thought of looking for the video there.
I have, however, used BBC iPlayer on previous occasions , and am registered for it, so only have to log in, when I want to use it.
Apparently, I have 29 days tin which to watch the film ,,, so will do so perhaps at the weekend.
I am looking forward to seeing it.
Now, coats for BB?
I am looking for a thick padded (showerproofed) jacket for him.
Hopefully in the Marks and Spencers Sale.
Last time, I managed to buy two coats for him (more-or-less for the price of one) in their Sale.
One coat for home wear and the second for school.
My strategy worked well then,
I selected several differently styled jackets, that I deemed appropriate, with a choice of colours, and BB "picked" the two that he preferred.
Honours were then even on both sides!
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2nd January 2019, 22:38
Hello, Elle!
Ah, you are ahead of me with the iPlayer!
it is a very good idea the BBC have to keep programmes for viewers who may have missed them.
And there is always YouTube!
I am sure BB will get a jacket that will please everyone!

24879 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd January 2019, 10:12
Good morning, Rusty!
It is cold here...and dull.
A very sociable walk, though, as there were more people out with their dogs.
It had been very quiet over the Christmas period.
I have the rest of the morning at home, and then am going out again about twelve.
What are you up today?
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