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16th November 2018, 18:02
Hi pigale
Pleased to hear that you are progressing!
23971 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th November 2018, 18:25
Good evening, Pigale!
Welcome back!
Good to here everything went well.
You appear to be getting excellent care!
Rest is best!
23972 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th November 2018, 18:33
Good evening, Elle!
No, I do not like the robot, too.
It is a blasted nuisance trying to post using my tablet, but my Chromebook is fine.
Not seen the chimney pots.
And spam is still getting through.
And very few new threads today.
So, there will be fewer posts from me as it is too much of a palaver using my tablet, or phone.
I do not see it as a step forward.
Yes, the puzzle was a good one, though I did it this morning and have forgotten it!
23973 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th November 2018, 19:19
Hi, Rusty!
I am thinking that there may be people other than yourself experiencing problems, posting under this new system, with their different individual appliances?
This may well be why there are so few posts today?
Do you not think it would be a good idea if you were to email Norah and tell her of your own difficulties?
It might well help you..... and also aid other people?
There may some adjustment that Ash can do?
He will certainly not want to loss "custom" on the Forum because of these problems.
Now.....if I post the clues, do you think you can help me with my remaining two clues, please?
23a: Short poem, as exercise (8)
18d: Holed by count, stag goes wild (7)
I am completely stuck!
23974 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th November 2018, 19:40
ADD (count) in STAG (men's)
23975 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th November 2018, 19:41
QUA - as
TRAIN - exercise
23976 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th November 2018, 19:41
QUATRAIN - stanza of 4 lines

qua train
23977 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th November 2018, 20:09
Hello, Elle!
I am wondering if the browser makes a difference?
I have had no traffic lights on my Chromebook, using Chrome.
But my 'phone and tablet run on the Brave browser and they get traffic lights etc every time.
No, I'll leave Norah in peace, I emailed her this morning, so that will do.
I noticed you had answers for your clues but I did not read them.
23a, The poem is a "qua train".
Train is exercise, no idea about "qua", but Anne Bradford has it under "as".
Collins has "quatrain" as a poem with only four lines to it.
18d Count is "add", surrounded by "mens/stag".
I see we have "harsh" in the puzzle today!
23978 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th November 2018, 20:35
For what it's worth, I use Chrome, and all I had to do was to put a
tick in the box 'I am not a robot' - that's not too bad, is it?

Thanks Elle, Rusty and Chris for your welcome back!
23979 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th November 2018, 20:46
Hello, Pigale.
I hope you are resting!
I only have to tick the robot box, too, on Chrome.
But get traffic lights on my 'phone and tablet.
A blooming nuisance!
I logged out of Chrome and logged in again and still only had to put a tick in the box.
23980 of 30765  -   Report This Post