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16th November 2018, 11:01
Update, Elle.
I have emailed Norah about pop-ups.
Cleaned my phone and tablets.
No malware found.
I attempted to send this message by my tablet but pop-up appeared!
Sent this by Chromebook.
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16th November 2018, 11:11
I just got the "traffic lights" pop-up.
I got it wrong.
Think I will stay off the forum until it is back to normal.
All OK on my Chromebook, though.
23962 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th November 2018, 11:11
Hi, Rusty!
That is a very good idea to tell Norah about your pop up ads.
I have done the same about the "traffic lights"......only I sent her a message on the general Forum, rather than by email.
If that happened to me, it could well do so to someone else.
It would be a shame if such an instance deterred a potential new forum member from taking part again.
I need a strong coffee...the stress is getting to me!!!
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16th November 2018, 11:13
Just seen your message about the traffic lights...
I have been busily counting chimney pots!!!!!!
I will tell Norah again…..
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16th November 2018, 11:21
That's odd - so far all I've had is a box to tick "I am not a robot". I tick it and get a tick sign, then I can post
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16th November 2018, 11:25
Hello, Chris!
It doesn't happen every time!
Only occasionally.....
You have just been fortunate.
Read the "@Norah" post, and you will see that Norah herself had to count traffic lights...
I am now on chimney pots!
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16th November 2018, 14:04
Good afternoon, Rusty!
How are you doing?
I have managed to answer a few posts now, with only having to tick the box!
I think that is quite tolerable, especially if it does reduce the spam?
( It is only when I have to count that I come unstuck....however did I manage "A" level Maths?)
It rather sounds as though this method might be here to stay if it proves to be an effective spam deterrent - so we shall have to get used to it if we are to use the forum....needs must and all that jazz.....
I had to smile at Norah counting "crosswalks" ( zebra crossings) !!
We may have to gen up on some Americanisms!
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16th November 2018, 15:52
Good afternoon, Elle!
I am doing away fine!
I have emailed Norah to let her know the pop-up I got was the blooming traffic light doodah!
I did not realise!
And unlike you with your "A" level Maths, I can only remember "arithmetic" at the school I was at!
I was at the thicker end of the spectrum!
I do not like the robot box and I certainly sympathise with Mamya who is visually impaired, and she may not be the only one on the Forum who may have a problem with it.
I have a new message from the robot!
"Verification expired. Check the checkbox again."
I presume "check" means "tick".
23968 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th November 2018, 16:56
Good Evening Elle, Rusty and everyone!

I have come home a couple of hours ago - Good to be home!

This time they put 2 stents in the second collapsed artery, and discovered a third one that needed treating - so back to Orleans I
shall go on the 5th December!
It was rather painful this time as the Doctor was what seemed ages
rummaging inside the artery, but he got the job done so the
discomfort was worth it I suppose!

They also decided that my hemoglobins (red blood cells) had gone
drastically low in the space of a month, so I was treated to two
blood transfusions 300ml packs.
About 20 or 30 years ago, I would probably have refused, but
the blood is so well checked and double-checked nowadays that
I did not mind - and anyway, I desperately need the blood, or so
it seems.

So, now we'll see - all this was very tiring and I am supposed to
rest - which is what I did most of the time there. But perhaps
all this fresh blood might cure this chronic anemia with which I
have been battling over the past few years!

How has life been treating you?

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16th November 2018, 17:39
Hi, Rusty!
I am definitely with you in not liking the new system......especially as my counting would appear to be at fault!
I wonder do we get banned if we fail more than three times per session?
Ah well, we shall see........maybe it will get easier.....
I have been out for a walk this afternoon.
I found myself counting traffic lights and zebra crossings........chimney pots proving too much!
How did you like today's crossword?
I thought it somewhat reasonable, even though I still have three clues to do!

Hello, Pigale!
I am delighted to hear that you are home again!
And that all went well!
I am sorry to hear that you need to go back yet again, though, to have another stent fitted, but at least the doctors have found the problem and will deal with it.
And your blood transfusions should set your haemoglobin back on track.
You have been having a lot to contend with, just recently.
Rest now, and do exactly what you have been instructed by the doctor!
23970 of 30765  -   Report This Post