Good evening Elle and Rusty!
Long time no 'see'! My fault really.
I was obviously on Emma's mailing list too as I received her long
update. I replied to that 'favourite moment comment', which for
me was when Lassie took her very first look at her first new born --
She looked to lovingly tender and as proud as any mother must
And like you Rusty, Google decided to do an update on my
computer the other evening before I was allowed to switch off - and
like you it change things somewhat! In fact it put me in a right
mess! I could not find my mail box! what it had done, God only
knows why or how, is get rid of my normal email address, and switched instead to a second email address which I set up a few
years ago - this was for a particular purpose at the time and is no
longer needed, but I never got round to cancel it.
Anyway, it took me the best part of the day to manage and retrieve
my current email inbox! I was getting rather worried and
hopping mad!
I really fail to understand how they could possibly have done this
but my British friend who is a computer engineer told me (on
Skype) that it is quite often that things go wrong after one of their
update! Well, it was the first time for me, and I sure hope it will
be the last!
Apart from this, I am quite well - how are you both? I have more
or less kept in the picture via reading most of this thread, but
I may have missed something?
Hope you enjoy the show this week-end Rusty, they are great fun.
Are you not suppose to have BB as a guest for one night this
week-end Elle?