Good afternoon, Rusty!
How was your outing to the Pine Cone?
How many granddaughters accompanied you?
Our daughter and the boys have just left...they arrived about half ten, and stayed for lunch.
Our son-in-law was left at home to take the roof box off the car, and do various other chores!
I strongly suspect it was a ruse to watch the European Championships!
And speaking of the TV...yes, daughter has "fixed" ours...
We are back in business again and can watch one channel now, whilst recording a different one.
And the red button is accessible once more!
I have no idea what she did...she fiddled with this.... and pressed that.....and hey presto!
She also "mended" the coffee machine...and set up her Dad's new phone for him!
Ah, nostalgia......time was when WE were the ones who "fixed" things for our children!
When did we grow old(er)?!
I must finish the Everyman...and see whether there is any Athletics showing yet.....