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12th August 2018, 08:35
Good morning, Elle!
We have weather here!
Heavy rain!
Yes, it was good to see Heike!
Still looks very fit.
I liked the bit at the end when she got a wee kiss from the long jumper.
She looked pleased!
Now, I did not see Grace Reid's interview but will see later if I can find it.
Her winning dive was perfection!
I wonder how the divers train?
Yes, La Bamba and me are for out later.
Hope the road to Pine Cone is OK.
Looking forward to seeing the "flying vet" later!
22441 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th August 2018, 09:57
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
You are ahead of us with your rain!
Ours is forecast for 10am
We made it home just in time!
What is "the flying vet"?
Is it, as it sounds, similar to The Flying Doctor Service in Australia?
Daughter and co will be arriving shortly...
I am assuming they are coming straight after BB's tennis lesson.
He tells me he has something to "show" me....
I wonder what it can be?
Will there be time to start the Everyman before the troops arrive, I wonder?
Enjoy your outing with your granddaughter!
22442 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th August 2018, 10:10
Hello, Elle!
Still steady rain here, unlike Berlin.
Lovely weather there, for the marathons.
The "flying vet" is Laura Muir!
BB maybe has a new racquet?
Yes, I am looking forward to seeing granddaughter/s.
22443 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th August 2018, 10:21
Hi, Rusty!
Goodness, I was slow on the uptake there!
I hang my head in shame.....
I am fortunate that the bulk of today's Athletics will be this evening.....
So I will be able to enjoy time spent with the family......and still watch the Championships later!
Is there anything special earlier that I ought to see?
I cannot record anything during the day, though, as I want my daughter to bring her expertise to bear on my television.......
It hasn't recovered from the heat and thunderstorms...and will still only work through the Digibox!
I am hoping she can "fix" it!
22444 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th August 2018, 10:39
Hello, Elle!
I took it for granted you would twig the "flying vet"!
There are events throughout the day.
Swimming, cycling, diving, golf, etc.
I've not seen any of the golf but I believe Laura Davies and Georgia Hall are going well.
Hope your daughter can fix your TV.
Hopefully something simple.
22445 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th August 2018, 15:33
Good afternoon, Rusty!
How was your outing to the Pine Cone?
How many granddaughters accompanied you?
Our daughter and the boys have just left...they arrived about half ten, and stayed for lunch.
Our son-in-law was left at home to take the roof box off the car, and do various other chores!
I strongly suspect it was a ruse to watch the European Championships!
And speaking of the TV...yes, daughter has "fixed" ours...
We are back in business again and can watch one channel now, whilst recording a different one.
And the red button is accessible once more!
I have no idea what she did...she fiddled with this.... and pressed that.....and hey presto!
She also "mended" the coffee machine...and set up her Dad's new phone for him!
Ah, nostalgia......time was when WE were the ones who "fixed" things for our children!
When did we grow old(er)?!
I must finish the Everyman...and see whether there is any Athletics showing yet.....
22446 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th August 2018, 16:58
Hello, Elle!
Two granddaughters today!
Pine Cone was less busy than normal.
Think the rain partly to blame and the access road needs a repair or two.
Your daughter seems to pretty "handy"!
I would hang on to her if I was you!
22447 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th August 2018, 17:54
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, my daughter is great...well, both daughters are, but the other one is not here to hand, as it were!
I brought them up to think for themselves, stand up for their principles, and help others where necessary, .......and to be 'capable' where possible!!
"Girl power" and all that jazz!
But the time was when I used to be "capable" too!.........until modern technology outran me!
Ah well, as Maurice Chevalier says in the song..." I remember it well"!
Everyman finished , not a difficult one at all today.
And I am three -quarters way through the ST Cryptic - doing a clue here and there in between doing other things!
Time now to switch on the television for the Championships......… we
We have an evening of Athletics, according to my schedule......
22448 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th August 2018, 19:46
Hello, Elle!
I dodge modern technology!
Too complicated for me!
Just watched the two Lauras racing.
And Eilish.
They should be very pleased with themselves.
22449 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th August 2018, 20:20
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, indeed, they did very well!
It was a shame that Laura W couldn't maintain her pace to take Silver, behind Laura M's very well-deserved Gold........but she did really well to win the Bronze medal.
And Eilish was brilliant , getting the Silver in the 5000m.
Sifan Hassan of course was always going to win the Gold.
But wasn't it strange that the other athlete thought that the race was over a lap too soon?
A costly error for her!
Only the 4 x 100m Relays to go now.....
22450 of 30765  -   Report This Post