Good afternoon, Rusty!
Yes, thank you, I had a lovely day out!
It was great to catch up with my friend......and we enjoyed our lunch.
The restaurant was delightfully air- conditioned, and a lovely cool contrast to the heat outside!
But it now seems the heat is going to be doing us a favour.......
This coming Monday, our builders are going to start work on our fences and all the other building work / repairs that we requested.
And all this because the temperature will be too hot for them to do the rendering job that they had scheduled for next week!
So we are very lucky and can thank the weather for that!
Otherwise our list of jobs would have waited for at least another month!
We are happy it will all be done so quickly!
You may know by now whether or not your son will be coming today?
It is understandable that the fishing might beckon..... but he will no doubt come tomorrow instead, if not today?