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31st July 2018, 21:36
Hi, Rusty!
I do not know much about hurling....
I think the object is to hit a small ball with a stick between goal posts?
I meant to do some browsing on Amazon today to find some more reading material for myself...... but never got around to it .
I still cannot find that book I bought by Jo Pavey - "This Mum Runs" , I think it was called?
I remember its arriving...sometime before Christmas.....but don't know where I put it!
22221 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st July 2018, 21:46
Hello, Elle!
I would not expect you to know about hurling.
Yes, that is roughly the object of the game.
The "ball" is a "sliotar".
It is a great team game.
Very fast and great entertainment.
Henry played for Kilkenny.
His portrait is in the National Gallery.

22222 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st July 2018, 22:25
Hi, Rusty!
I thought for a moment, until I opened the link, that Henry's portrait was in the London National Portrait Gallery!
I was going to say that I would look for it when I next visited the Gallery!
But I see it is in Ireland.
I am presuming that what he is holding in his hand is the bat with which he hits the sliotar?
I am just watching the last episode of "Casualty".......
I have had quite a back log of recordings to catch up on.
This one will bring me up-to-date!
22223 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st August 2018, 07:49
Good morning, Elle!
Fine start to the day here!
Miss O and me are going to Pine Cone later.
Looking forward to seeing her!
Henry's bat is a "hurley".
I enjoyed the programme about him.
I did not know he works in a bank.
Maybe that's why he is dressed in civvies in his portrait?
I have never seen "Casualty".
Is that it finished now?
Good luck at the vet's!
22224 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st August 2018, 10:05
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
A lovely day here, too - warm and sunny.
I think the temperature is set to creep up again gradually, until we hit 32 C on Friday!
Now....if you are asking if "Casualty" itself is finished, then "No!"
I simply meant that this was the last of my recordings...and I am now up-to-date!
"Casualty" began back in the mid 1980s, and is ongoing "forever", I think!
The thousandth episode was back in 2016!
We are off to the vets very shortly........I have a check list in case I forget any of my queries!
I hope you have a good time at the Pine Cone with Miss O !
22225 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st August 2018, 14:42
Good afternoon!
I think "Casualty" is very popular!
I hope you got on fine at the vet's.
What about "thunder"?
Miss O and me had a fine time.
I had a mushroom and cheese omelette for a change.
It was very tasty!
22226 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st August 2018, 15:12
Hi, Rusty!
I'm glad that you had a nice time!
A mushroom and cheese omelette is a combination I have never tried.
I like cheese and onion omelettes though!
We haven't been to the vets yet!
We were just about to leave at 10. 15 am., when the phone rang........
It was one of the veterinary nurses telling me that our vet had been called in to the operating theatre to deal with an emergency!
We could still have gone and seen a different vet.......but we chose to reschedule and go this afternoon instead. so we have an appointment at 4.15 pm.
I will report back re the "thunder" issue after our visit!
Meanwhile , it turned out to be fortunate that we were at home as a friend dropped round........he has only just left.
I didn't like today's did you get on with yours?
22227 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st August 2018, 15:24
Hello, Elle!
I think you were wise waiting to see your "own" vet.
I think continuity is a good thing in medical matters.
I liked the puzzle, but, I would never have got 26a without Anne Bradford's help.
I did not know that particular meaning of the word, and I thought it a rigmarole of a clue.
And is 9a sufficiently well known to be included in The Times puzzle?
I am stuck on 21d.
I've racked my brain and I suspect the solution is simply a word I have not came across before.
I'll return to it later to hopefully solve (I don't like giving best to a setter!)
22228 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st August 2018, 16:04
Update, Elle!
I have an answer for 21d.
I broke down the clue, and came up with a name I did not recognise.
I Googled the name and discovered it was the name of a village in Derbyshire, which had a school of the same name!
A bit obscure, methinks!
22229 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st August 2018, 17:56
Hi, Rusty!
We are just home from the vets.......
The dog has been duly vaccinated..... and her anal glands expressed.
She also had a thorough check up.
All of which she tolerated in the expectation of being give a few liver treats if she offered her paw to the vet at the end!
She knows it always works!
The vet said that we are doing all the right things with regard to the thunder......keeping the dog calm, acting as if there were nothing out of place etc....
Her own dog exhibits similar symptoms but she does not give medication.
The trouble with thunderstorms is that there is no time for anything to take effect before the storm happens......
I guess fireworks would be a different matter......more easily anticipated .......but this is not a particular problem.
Dog largely ignores fireworks save for not wanting to go outside - which is fair enough!
Now the crossword.....there are a lot of clues that I cannot do..... 1a; 5a; 5d; 13a; and 16d.
I managed 26a though, after looking up "translation" in Bradfords....
I am at a loss though at to why it should mean "unseen"?
But I can see the parsing.......
s - s (tudent)
une - article
en - in
both in French
I think 21d is "Repton"?
I had ?E?T?N
RE and PT being the subjects and "on" meaning "acceptable".
I did not know it was a school, and had to Google that.
No, I did not enjoy today's puzzle!
It was just too difficult for me!
22230 of 30765  -   Report This Post