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17th April 2018, 22:10
pigale- only the two in the family! I can't remember who knocked over the cake, think it was the same adult who splilled the tea. This happened just before my grandson jammed his finger in a door out of sight! I am still feeling uncomfortable about it, though not so much those things
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17th April 2018, 22:22
Hi, Rusty!
I've read "Crime and Punishment" by Dostyevsky, but not "The Idiot".
I had a spell of reading a lot of Russian writers a long while back.
I have of course read Tolstoy's "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina".......also Pushkin's "Queen of Spades."
But all such a long time ago...
I thought "War and Peace" was one of the most powerful books I had read...but my memory of it is dim now.
Maybe it's time for a reread?
I have them all somewhere....!
Yes, I was reading about Mo running on Sunday.
What other "big names" are taking part, do you know?

Hello, Ros!
I was expecting it to be one of the children who spilt the tea and knocked over the cake.....!
Still, did the children enjoy themselves?

Good evening, Pigale!
Is all well at your end?
I think we might be vying with you for high temperatures?
Even though ours only last for a few hours later in the day!
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17th April 2018, 22:25
Poor little lad Rosalind - how old is he? Was he hurt badly?
Just goes to show one always have to keep an eye on young children !

BTW are you keeping an eye on the Barn Owls in Dorset?
Can't remember if it was you or Rossim that was interested last
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17th April 2018, 22:39
Sorry, Hello Elle and Rusty!
Did not mean to ignore you, but I just thought that three incidents
in the space of 30 seconds were a bit much, and like you, I thought
they were all due to excited children.

Absolutely gorgeous here, and today is the first of several days to
come, at least until next Monday. I have just received a proper
outdoor weather station, including with rain gauge and weather
vane; I shall plant it (it's on a long pole) in the garden tomorrow
and then I shall see what the real temperature in the garden is -
not the under-cover one they give on the meteo, which do not
reflect what we feel!

Walked into town this afternoon and had to take jacket off!
Indoor is still fresh - the walls have not yet taken any natural heat .
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17th April 2018, 22:40
Sorry, cat sent the post for me!

Have you any plan for the week?

How are you Rusty? Any good cycling coming up?
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17th April 2018, 23:18
He's 8 in a few days pigale and he was just going to the loo! I think he'd be mortified to be accompanied! He won two medals (one gold) in a martial arts competition on Saturday.

I think the children were a bit excited. I didn't enjoy myself but it wasn't my party (I won't go to them in general).
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17th April 2018, 23:49
pigale, must have been rossim
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18th April 2018, 06:47
Good morning, Elle!
A bit cloudy here, but dry so far.
I have not tried any of these Russian authors, but I recognise some of the book titles.
I do not know who is running on Sunday, apart from Mo.
I am looking forward to the marathon, though!
Lassie looks very content sitting on her eggs, and it seems a pleasant morning at the loch!
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18th April 2018, 06:56
Good morning, Pigale!
Good to hear you have warm weather!
It is not as warm with me, but pleasant nevertheless.
I like the idea of your weather station!
Now, cycling!
La Fleche Wallone is on today, (on EuroSport),
Liege-Bastogne-Liege is on this Sunday,
and the Tour of the Alps is on this week.
So, lots of cycling to watch!
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18th April 2018, 10:41
Good morning, Rusty!
I have had a lovely morning's walk in the park!
Blue sky, bright sunshine and 17C.
We even sat for a while.
And set to hit 23C later on.......Summer is here!!
The forecast is hot for Sunday's marathon......
Oh dear, perhaps not the best running conditions.
Yes, fingers crossed for Mo.
What about Callum Hawkins......had he planned to take part?
Will he be fit enough?
You sound as though you have a busy day ahead, viewing the cycle racing.......
20580 of 30765  -   Report This Post