Hi, Rusty!
Well, as you know I am afraid of heights and I hate flying....and no one would ever get me on another plane .......
But setting all that aside and daydreaming......
I would go to see friends in either New Zealand or Canada!
Ah, I appreciate the opera clue!
My problem there was in not knowing the name of the opera required.
I can see now that the answer is "Nabucco" minus "co" (reversed) giving "Cuban."
A nice one!
I would never have got 27a. though.......
I know "eta" is the seventh letter of the Greek alphabet...but why is it plural?
The clue indicates more than one character, yes, but I would have thought different ones, not more of the same?
I don't like it!
Thank you very much for taking the time and trouble to find out the info about tablets for me!
It is most kind of you.
I will save the link and will study it at leisure tomorrow., when I can appreciate what I am reading!
My brain is going into 'Defunct' mode right now!
Our rain has finally stopped!
Hello, Chris!
Mmm, I don't like that Greek letters clue.......it seems feeble to be using the plural of the same letter......
I've given up assessing when the webcam picture are live or otherwise!
But the lighting is probably because of the infra -red camera?
And don't forget for future occasions that it gets darker very much later in Scotland than it does here.