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12th March 2018, 10:13
I must try and say Loch, not lake. I am a Southerner but that's no excuse.
19651 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2018, 10:15
Camera is now in its old position ! I am off out.
19652 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2018, 10:18
Hello, Jazzgirl!
I did actually notice your "lake", but no offence taken!
It gets more complicated in Ireland.
They have "loughs" there!
But Killarney has "lakes".
Bit confusing!
19653 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2018, 10:23
A very good morning to you, Rusty!
Fell dreich here!
I could have done with my non -existent waterproof trousers!
As it was I wore my wellies and long waterproof coat.
We used to have a Milletts in Bromley, but I am told it has now been taken over by Blacks.
I shall investigate! If possible, I should prefer to try on the trousers before buying.
I have just watched your video clip....
But I thought that tragedy had struck the resident ospreys last year?
Odin went missing.......and EJ wouldn't leave her chicks alone in the nest, whilst she hunted for food.
So the chicks consequently died from starvation.
I don't know whether EJ herself is expected to return to the site this year?
What are you up to?
Have you already done your errands - or are they ahead of you?

Hello, JG!
It's pouring down here!
I hope you don't get wet when you go out!
19654 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2018, 10:30
Hello Elle
It is raining heavily here but I will be in the car most of the time, luckily.

Rusty, The only Loch I have actually visited is Loch Lomond when we toured the Trossachs the same year as Edinburgh .

Good day all
19655 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2018, 10:43
Good morning, Elle!
Think Millets and Blacks are in the same group.
These look fine?
Yes, it was tragic what happened to EJ's chicks.
The rangers would not intervene and feed the chicks as it was against the laws of Nature.
These things happen.
Wonder what happened to Odin?
Just wondering if Laddie is in your area now making his way North?
No errands today. But I do have to go out.

19656 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2018, 11:37
Hi, Rusty!
It would seem that Blacks bought out Milletts, and then JD Sports acquired Blacks.....or some such scenario!
Those trousers look great, but I think they are to be worn by themselves?
I am looking for (thin nylon) waterproof (inexpensive) OVERtrousers, which will not get worn very often........just in a torrential downpour!
Most times I'm just happy to get wet!
I think my best option would be to pop over to Blacks (Milletts that was) and try a pair on.
I shall put it on my list of "Things to Do"!
All chores I shall now take look at the crossword!
19657 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2018, 14:36
Hello Elle and Rusty,

Grey, showery and generally dull here - not heavy rain as you had
first thing though Elle!

For interest, this is the reply I received just now from Nick - at long
last, someone who is explaining things clearly and in a nice way!

Dear Elda.

Thank you for your emails which have been passed through to me as Complaint’s Co-ordinator for the Scottish Wildlife Trust.

I fully understand your concerns regarding being able to view the ospreys through the Loch of the Lowes webcam when they hopefully return to the nest this spring. We appreciate how much our websites users value this service, indeed many of the staff are hooked on the webcam throughout the season.

Unfortunately, as I am sure you can appreciate, technology can fail as has happened with the apparatus installed in the nest site this year. I have spoken with the team at Lowes today and am able to confirm the following;

- The webcam itself is up and running
- The infra-red camera is not currently working which is why
you are seeing a blank screen at night
- The microphone is not currently working despite an
engineer fixing a problem last week

Scottish Communications (the company who provide the cameras) engineers as well as Trust staff are travelling to Lowes tomorrow to hopefully fix these issues. In order to carry out a fix individuals from across Scotland need to co-ordinate access to the site and to the nest site itself. This is a complex procedure and only those with appropriate health and safety training are granted access to the tree nest site. The safety of the nest site for the birds must remain paramount. All of this was made increasingly complicated with the recent extreme weather Scotland has been experiencing as I am sure you will have seen on the news.

The staff at Lowes will be releasing an update on the situation tomorrow once Scottish Communications engineers have visited the site.

assure you the Trust is doing everything in its power to ensure all the viewing platforms are ready for the birds return. Our prime concern however is and will remain the safety and wellbeing of the ospreys.
Kind regards
Nicky (Langridge-Smith, Executive Assistant to CEO)

So there you are!
19658 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2018, 14:48
Snap, Pigale!
I was just about to post it up here, but you have beaten me to it!
Obviously , this is a standard blurb that they are sending out in reply to complainants!
A tad worrying that they obviously have a set reply to send out ?

19659 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2018, 15:02
Hi Elle,

Yes and no - I think replying individually to the hundreds of complaints
they received would be an impossible task!
Rusty was told by one of the staff that they were 'inundated with
So, at least, things are explained clearly and in a polite way - better
than being in the dark I suppose, and feeling we are being ignored.

My views, but you may not agree?
19660 of 30765  -   Report This Post