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9th March 2018, 19:37
Elle, 'Pie' is type that's confused, it's a printing term.
19551 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th March 2018, 19:53
Hello Elle and Rusty,

Sorry for delay in replying Rusty - I was watching a DVD -

Just had a look at the webcam and had a screen, but still
the same cursor at the bottom of it, which implies it is (should be)
showing a recording!
Is your picture still OK now?

I had no reply to my email yet.

Hope you are nice and dry now Elle!
19552 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th March 2018, 20:10
Hello, Elle!
No delivery for me either!
Been a fine day here.
Well, I must confess I did not parse "piste".
I knew the track and banged it in.
But, Malone has kindly explained it.
And Chambers and Bradford's has it, too.
I thought it was a testing puzzle today, for me, anyway.
19553 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th March 2018, 20:56
Hi, Rusty!
I see that the "Beast from the East " is to be replaced by the "Pest from the West".........promising "downpours and thunderstorms"!
Whatever next?
And from where do they get their terminology?
I am holding on for Spring.......
A busy weekend coming up - I should have preferred a dry one!

Thank you , Malone!
I did not know that meaning of "pie"....

Hello, Pigale!
Just a black screen for me, too...
I haven't had Newsletters either, since Jonathan left.
It is still raining here!
19554 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th March 2018, 21:02
Hello, Pigale!
No, my picture is a black screen, too.
I do not think it can be live.
Sometimes at night, you can see car headlights on the road on the far side of the loch, but I did not see any tonight, or any moonlight, and there is a half-moon showing above.
Hopefully you will get a reply tomorrow!
19555 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th March 2018, 21:11
Hello, Elle!
As long as the snow is in the past, that will suit me!
It was 9C here today, but rain forecast for tomorrow!
Maybe the webcam is on a timer and goes off at night when there are no birds there?
Miss O and me are going to Pine Cone tomorrow.
I am looking forward to it!
19556 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th March 2018, 21:22
Elle and Pigale update!
I follow the Loch on Twitter, and they had several Tweets today.
One saying my local paper had visited them and there will be an article in the paper's weekend supplement tomorrow.
If possible, I will try and post it here, for you.
Wonder if the webcam will get a mention!
19557 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th March 2018, 22:24
Rossim, if you are reading this, I am surprised no one else gave
you a vote - I thought it a very good 'hidden in the clue' which is
not easy to do, and had a nice surface read.
Mind you, there were a lot of clues from which to choose!
19558 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th March 2018, 22:35
Hi, Rusty!
We have several days of intermittent rain forecast.........the "Pest from the West?.........but , as you say, that can be tolerated, just so long as it isn't snow!
You are dining out tomorrow........I am dining out on Sunday!
We are all going to a restaurant of BB's choice for two birthday celebrations and for Mother's Day!
It should be good!
i still do not understand "Twitter"!
19559 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th March 2018, 23:23
Hello, Elle!
I am getting heavy rain tomorrow, they say.
Elle, just you forget Twitter.
If it would have appealed to you, you would have found your way to it long before now.
I like it though.
Keeps me up to date with the News etc.
There is a still picture on the website at the loch now.
Not very good!
19560 of 30765  -   Report This Post