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7th March 2018, 18:53
Hello, Pigale!
Well done on telling them off!
There have been emails back and forth between me and them, too.
And if you and me are doing it, how many more have got on to them?
Anyway, both the cameras appear to be working now.
Hope it lasts, Pigale!
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7th March 2018, 19:53
Hi, Rusty!
In the context of the clue, "charivari" is of course a "hubbub" - "a series of discordant noises."
But yes, you are correct, it is also (I quote) "a noisy mock serenade performed by a group of people to celebrate a marriage or mock an unpopular person"
I have been watching "Eggheads" as usual, and there was a very topical question!
'Which Scottish city's most geographical feature has an extinct volcano known as the Law?'
Is it Dundee; Glasgow; or Edinburgh?
I did, of course , know the answer!
Yes, I have found several book sets of Michael Morpurgo's stories.
My decision now lies in whether I myself will want to read many of these (after all, they are basically children's books... . although I loved "War Horse" ) or whether "War Horse" and its sequel might well be a one - off?
I am considering..........?
It is good to know that the Loch website is up and running again.....and that the Rangers are keenly anticipating the arrival of the ospreys!
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7th March 2018, 21:09
Hello, Elle!
I would have got the Egghead question right, too!
If you look up Anne B's Dictionary you will see "law" under "hill".
Did the contestants get it?
Kevin would know it, I think. (He knows everything!)
What about "Shadow"? That's about a dog.
You may like that?
Or "Dear Ollie"?
About a brother, sister, and a swallow migrating to Africa.
Let us hope the Loch is up to scratch now, but the cameras were certainly working earlier...and maybe ten days until Laddie flies in!
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7th March 2018, 22:12
Hi, Rusty!
The Dundee question was given to Steve - one of the newer Eggheads.
He did not "know" the answer, but worked it out correctly. by process of elimination.
Yes, Kevin is brilliant , and such a modest person, too.
Now that there are so many Eggheads - nine of them - and only five appear daily......we don't get to see as much of Kevin as previously.
So on some days, the Eggheads - clever though the other team members are - can be slightly more vulnerable without Kevin's presence.
Yes, Anne B has "law" under "hill", yet not the reverse?
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7th March 2018, 22:27
Hello, Elle!
Edinburgh Castle is built on a volcanic plug, too.
Castle Rock.
There may be a reason Anne has done that?
I have never seen anyone with the knowledge that Kevin has.
He is incredible.
Just heard from Ireland that Vroum Vroum Mag has been retired.
They feel her best days are behind her.
Cheltenham next week, too.
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7th March 2018, 22:59
I've just read an article on Google about Vroum Vroum Mag, where
they paid tribute to her talents. They say she is retiring and will
now be busy giving birth to young future champions?

Who are you going to support now?
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7th March 2018, 23:04
Hi, Rusty!
You will miss Vroum Vroum Mag!
So what in general happens to retired race horses?
I can imagine that some go to stud farms?
I think it is intended that Vroum Vroum Mag give birth to future "stars"?
Or the horses go to families whose children want a horse to ride?
And no doubt some lucky ones are put out to pasture, and left to enjoy the rest of their lives.
There are probably charities to care for them - like there are donkey sanctuaries - but surely the number of retired racehorses annually is too great for a lot of aid to be given?
There are many (several thousands?) race horses retired each year......and obviously a lot will simply be regarded as "surplus to requirements".......
So what happens to them?
Are they euthanised ?
If so, what a sad end to a glorified time as a racer.......

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7th March 2018, 23:15
Hello, Pigale!
Yes, Vroum Vroum Mag will become a broodmare now.
She was a smashing mare, I liked her a lot.
Very genuine and brave.
Who to support?
Well I tend to follow those I like, like Willie Mullins, Nina Carberry, Ruby Walsh, Jessica Harrington.
I am taking an interest in Getabird in the opener on Tuesday.
Apples Jade runs later in the week and I like her, too.
Cheltenham is a highlight of the year for me!
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7th March 2018, 23:26
Hello, Elle!
I'll miss Mag, all right!
She will now become a broodmare.
The very good horses are retired and have a good life.
Kauto Star, the Gold Cup winner, took up dressage when he retired!
I suspect some horses may not be wanted when they retire.
A sad end indeed, lies ahead for some of them.
Younger horses will replace them, and the stable girls will be broken hearted when the lorry comes to take away a horse they have lovingly tended.
Unfortunately, racing is not all about winner's enclosures.
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8th March 2018, 09:58
Good morning, Rusty!
A mildish day with weak sunshine .
An enjoyable walk though, as we had an encouraging breeze!
I found this article about retired race horses.
As you said yesterday, the upmarket horses seem to get a good retirement deal.......but the more common- or- garden runners often have an unhappy outlook ahead of them.
I think it is a criminal attitude........but I suppose expense is the master?
Right...time for a quick coffee, and a look at the crosswords.
Later I am going out for lunch
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