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24th December 2017, 10:39
Good morning, Elle!
Pretty dull here, but we are alive and it is almost Christmas!
No puzzle for me today.
No plans either, will play it by ear.
Certainly not going to the shops!
17961 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th December 2017, 11:44
Hi, Rusty!
I don't think the Everyman is any harder than usual.......there is just a lot more of it!
I have made a start, and have done most of the top half, but I keep being interrupted by lengthy phone calls!!
I'll do a bit of the puzzle here and there!
You are wise not to go to the shops today!
I, too, have no intention of so doing!
But my daughter has just phoned from the middle of the supermarket to ask whether her dad would prefer single or double cream?
(She knows I do not like cream!)
She must be mad, braving the hysterical crowds....
What is that line of Kipling's poetry........I shall quote it out of context....
"You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din" !
Right, back to the crossword for a few minutes!
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24th December 2017, 12:13
Hello, Elle!
I shall take your word about Kipling's poem.
I know nothing about it!
I stopped doing Jumbos a few years ago because they were a slog.
Not for me!
I give the Jumbo crossword to my next door neighbour.
A win win situation for all!
I thought your daughters were sensible, too!
But not, if they are out in the Christmas shopping frenzy!
I shall stay away!
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24th December 2017, 13:40
Hi, Rusty!
Well, daughter is home again - she rang for another chat!
It seems she was only out for cream! (for the Christmas pudding!)
But my husband has now disappeared shopwards.....although he says he is only going for the paper....
Mad, all of them!
I shall stay well away......what I haven't got now, will stay unbought!
I have just recorded "Gone With the Wind" is many (many) years since I saw it.
I am back crosswording......only one corner left now ......
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24th December 2017, 17:22
Hello, Elle!
I would not know the difference between single and double cream!
Everyone out is mad, I think.
I have a heap of very excited young ones texting me non-stop!
Giving me instructions for tomorrow!
Have you completed your puzzle?
Just started my new book.
"Oxfordshire Murders".
A cheery read for Christmas Eve!
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24th December 2017, 18:14
Hi, Rusty!
Well, that is very nice that the young ones are constantly emailing you !
Of course they want their granddad in the midst of their Christmas celebrations!
So what then is happening tomorrow?
What time are you going over to your son's house in the morning?
And then in the afternoon, the girls are all coming together to see you at home as usual?
Will your grandson come, too?
It sounds like a good plan!
You are right in saying you have not chosen a cheery topic to read about on Christmas Eve!
Which murders are these?
Yes, I finished the Everyman puzzle - it was no harder than usual ...just a lot bigger!
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24th December 2017, 20:02
Good evening, Elle!
No sign of the forecast heavy rain!
I am to be at son's house at 10 a.m.
I have turned down offered lifts and will drive myself.
That way I am my own boss and not putting folk out.
And home before 12:30 p.m. and the girls arriving.
What time do you leave?
The book is about very old murders.
There is a range of all the counties in England.
I just happened to pick Oxfordshire.
I have finished it, not a great read!
Well done on the Everyman!
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24th December 2017, 21:16
Hi, Rusty!
I think your rain might be heading our way!
It is set to rain about 4am and carry on through till late morning.
It look as though our early walk will be in the wet!
( So much for a White Christmas! Sorry, Bing! )
We shall be taking the dog out at 8am as usual for a couple of hours, and then leaving here at 11.15am to go to our daughter's for lunch.
Back home again about 5 o'clock.
This looks as though our times will overlap, if you are to be at your son's by 10.
Therefore, I shall send you a 'Christmas Greeting' early on, when I get up......
before we venture forth at 8am into the dark...and the (apparent)wet....with the dog.
Yes, the Everyman was good!
I've just discovered yesterday's Jumbo GK ( I'd forgotten about it) and am now doing that ......
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24th December 2017, 22:24
Hello, Elle!
No white Christmas here, I do not think
That is quite a full day you have ahead of you!
My forecast for tomorrow is, "rain, sleet, or snow will arrive by evening".
Not so good!
I have steak pie for my dinner tomorrow.
I do not think there will be a paper tomorrow, so no crossword.
17969 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th December 2017, 23:20
Hello Elle and Rusty!

No white Christmas here either - fog, drizzle, a somewhat mild damp misery!
Hope the weather holds OK for you both in your various travels -
and more to the point that you both have a grand time with your
respective families.

Now Rusty, I read that there would not be a printed paper on
Christmas day, but there will still be Xwords to be done on
line/or printed/ or forwarded etc.....
I do not know if my 'digital package' will just have the Xwords
if anything else will be there to read?

Enjoy the end of your Christmas Eve both of you!
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